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Attack of conscience

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By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 02,Mar,23 04:16   Pageviews: 52

I am married, I love my wife to bits.
However there has been no sexual activity between us for many years & I have started to struggle with this, especially as I was once into the BDSM scene, so this dry nonsexual sterile part to our relationship is getting to me.
Looked at dating sites, normal sites for singles are no use (I'm too honest and can't lie & pretend to like someone just to get a shag) and those that are for attached playing away, seems to be full on nothing but players or Scammers.
So here I am, seems most here, are here to look/show off &/or meet and play & I am just enjoying showing off & you never know.
But I do have times when I have an attack of conscience, I hate myself for even thinking about having sex with someone else. Other times I realise this desire within me is not going to go away & dispelling it every now and then will help keep us together rather than it slowly break us apart as my desires crumbles my heart.

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By SexIsLife [Ignore] 07,Mar,23 18:04
I am passing with the same situation. My wife stopped sex with me since 7 years. She rejects me everytime I approach with so many excuses. I love her so much, I am too much attracted to her, I always getting so hot and crazy while being close to her but she never responses. In the meantime I have sex with so many womens, some of them are far far better than my wife but I wondered to notice that I am not satisfied with any of them. Still my inner soul want my wife, still I'm too much attracted to her. Whole day except when I asleep, this issue is storming in my mind and make myself so frustrated and depressed!
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 08,Mar,23 01:40
It is a catch 22 if you love someone.

By nekekal [Ignore] 03,Mar,23 02:26
I am well past that. The wife has no interest in me sexually. I would fuck any woman available. I don't even mind paying.
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 03,Mar,23 03:46
I want to keep my marriage, so trying to keep it away and not shag her friends!
By nekekal [Ignore] 03,Mar,23 12:06
I don't want her to know. That would hurt her. Besides, most of her friends are not very fuckable.

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