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By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 05:35   Pageviews: 59

I have said before I am sadist not masochist.
But there is one thing I have always wanted to try & it's been on my mind of late (no idea why).
I'd like to be restrained and then brought to an orgasm for xxx period of time and not allowed to come of the boil for a second. I believe this would require more than one person if it was to go on for a decent time.
There you have it, stupid thought isn't it!

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By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 08:43
Forced orgasms and post orgasm are a kink of mine too. Maybe we'd change our minds when it came to it, but the idea behind it is so exciting. Both on the receiving and giving end
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 08:57
I know what you mean, it's probably a stupid idea.
As I under stand it, women get cramps if they orgasm too much but men dont.
I want to find out
Just need some helping hands

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