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Circumcised/Cut guys - How did you end up with it?

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Started by #334275 [Ignore] 26,Feb,13 12:44
Hi guys,

Browsing through SYD, I've noticed quite a lot of guys are circumcised/cut and am genuinely quite surprised and curious as to how you ended up with it.

Did you choose to do so out of personal preference, medical reasons, religious reasons etc? What made you choose to be circumcised (if you did it voluntarily) and at what age did you have it done?

Sorry about the number of questions, I'm just genuinely interested.

(BTW, I'm circumcised myself)


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By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 26,Feb,13 17:24 other posts 
You weren't aware that the great majority of American boys are cut at birth?

No really, I'm kinda shocked, I thought that was common knowledge!
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Nov,16 06:08 other posts 
As were Canadian boys.

By #518391 03,Nov,16 04:53
I was circumcised at the age of 65 after suffering from balanitis infections for years...should have had it done much sooner but dithered, worried about the the end it was so bad that I had no choice. But the result is and wanking are much better without a foreskin in the way, I think it looks better and also so much easier to maintain. My helmet is more sensitive now than before, so I'm happy in that respect and also to be rid of the original problem. But it's a very personal thing and everyone has their view and preference. But it seems that most circumcised guys are happy with their status.

By my_cute_dick [Ignore] 30,Mar,14 05:47 other posts 
90% of boys/men like me in our country are circumcised. Some were cut by the age of 9-12, like me was cut age 11. Some were cut a day after they were born. Maybe it is just a tradition here, especially this summer vacation. It is our own decision. No one dictate to us whether to be cut or not. Government and some private hospitals here usually give a free service for circumcisions. Mine is a sample of a cut dick at during before puberty.
By #255813 02,Nov,16 19:00
You have a perfect example of a beautiful Filipino circumcision. Was it a man or women that circumcised your wonderful cock
Whoever did it did a wonderful job and you are lucky and should be very proud

By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 08,Apr,14 22:19 other posts 
I am Christian and live in America, was cut as birth. I don't really give it the time of day whether I was or wasn't. I do think it would be cool if a little was left, you know, just enough to scrunch up at the bottom of the head. But no regrets. Happy with my circ'd penis. Live life and don't worry about such an insignificant thing. In the grand scheme of things, this means nothing.
By #255813 02,Nov,16 18:51
You have a very impressive cock. Can we swap cocks hahaha
You can have my extra bunched up skin and I would be happy to have your neat tight cut.
But seriously, It is very simple and fast to stretch your skin a little more if you do want your skin to bunch up or slightly cover the head

By #446346 12,May,16 11:55
I was "required" to be cut at age 19.

"Required" by constant social peer pressure by my fraternity brothers and the most pressure by sorority girls, such as my girlfriend.

It hurt. It sucks. I lost the best feature for pleasing myself.

The single most stupid thing I have ever done in my life.
By #255813 02,Nov,16 18:45
I am sorry to hear that you regret your decision
You have an amazing cock. Your circumcision is extremely good for a adult circumcision
I noticed you have alot of positive comments on your photos showing many compliments from admirers of your impressive cock

By #255813 02,Nov,16 18:39
Voluntary requested to be circumcised at age 17..
I had always wanted to be circumcised the same as my friends. I first told my mother I wanted to be circumcised when I was 8 years old. She persuaded me not to by making me believe I would be circumcised without anesthesia
I missed my next opportunity when I was 10 years old. I needed a general anesthetic to set a broken arm. A perfect opportunity gone begging again
I have never really been happy with my circumcision and hope one day to be circumcised again so it is more tightly cut and have a neater scar

By #468528 03,Aug,16 03:33
Did it myself, just love the extra exposure and a wanking sleeve lol. [deleted image]

By #281008 03,Aug,16 02:55
1st pussy i fucked had teeth

By #149019 31,Mar,16 00:12
My cut frenulum but i stll have my skin [deleted image]
By #511925 02,Aug,16 18:23
Did a Dr perform this? Was there much ****?

By #362795 20,Jun,16 12:24
My parents had me done as a little **** and I am ever so grateful to them . And , most ladies , I` ve been with , prefer cocks without .

By ForgottenNFallen [Ignore] 14,May,16 05:47 other posts 
I was cut as a baby, glad I was to, don't want that shit all over my dick haha

By #446346 12,May,16 15:34
I implore all (especially Americans) to read about Dr. Kellogg. Yes, read about why he devoloped Kellogg's Corn Flakes.
Read and learn why Americans came to believe and practice circumcision.
Women can learn his thoughts and his practice for using carbolic acid on women's and girl's clitorises.
Also read why his surgical treatments of others genitals was purposefully done WITHOUT ANESTHESIA, because the pain itself was beneficial for his desired outcome.
His desire as a medical doctor was indeed to prevent dreaded diseases. However, the dreaded disease of the penis or clitoris had nothing to do with the organ itself. The dreaded disease he wished to eradicate was located in the patient's mind.

By #511925 05,May,16 07:52
I grew up with a very long foreskin and it was mostly fine and seemed normal, other than the occasional infections. I didn't have a problem until I started having sex.
It got very frustrating as the up and down movement of the foreskin would roll the condom off and on multiple occasions I had the condom come off inside my partner. She had a couple of circed partners prior and suggested the idea of me getting it done. Long story short I had it done at 19 and it really has been a positive experience and sex is great as it's not just having sex inside my own foreskin

By #460523 04,May,16 21:09
was done at birth to look the same as my dad
--------------------------------------- added after 103 seconds

and did the same to my sons
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

Plus I can off with lube or no lube just as good just know how to do it
By #511925 05,May,16 07:15
Good choice I prefer being circumcised now

By Dannon_Utah [Ignore] 04,May,16 22:43 other posts 
done shortly after birth

By metalraven13 [Ignore] 09,Apr,16 15:59 other posts 
I was circumcised at birth.

By #481583 09,Apr,16 15:26
I was cut at birth and very happy with it.

By #460523 30,Mar,16 17:27
I was cut after birth to look the same as my dad it was just the thing to do back then and I'm ok with it my friends were cut too so we all look the same

By #307565 30,Mar,16 12:21
Was circumcised at birth. My family doesn't allow the glands covered. They believe it's only right to have it removed. They say we shouldn't have the feeling of having a foreskin. And it's only necessary we have to deal with it cut.

By #442787 29,Jun,14 11:11
I was cut when I was 10. My family forced me to do this but I really hated it. however I'm now accustomed to my new condition.
By #465168 30,Jun,14 08:52
Wow that sounds terrible man. I know lots of people have it happen against their will but that's usually as an infant. I can't imagine **** a ten year old to go through the procedure unless it was medically necessary. Especially so when they're protesting! A ten year old is old enough to be attached to their body, if not have a say in medical procedures. If it was a religious thing I wonder why they waited that long. It's good you're used to it now, it would suck to resent them and have issues because of it :L

By #301038 26,Feb,13 17:37
I've heard from several guys in the US, that they did what a good Catholic would do... and as far I know, circumcision is not part of Christian tradition, unlike Jewish and Muslim... and at some point it was even prohibited in Christian church... so, why do most American men are cut, it's still a mystery to me and will never do this to my **** if I have a boy....
By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 26,Feb,13 20:55 other posts 
It was kind of a perfect storm of quackery, victorian sexual attitudes, medical misattribution, and the social status of having babies born in hospitals. Infant circ actually caught on in all the English-speaking countries (USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand) in the early part of the 20th century, but in most the practice was either discontinued or tapered off gradually. The USA is the only holdout from that period.
By #301038 27,Feb,13 00:30
It's about 600$ dollars per circ and hospitals don't want to loose those money...
By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 28,Feb,13 23:09 other posts 
That's probably another reason it's kept going. The US also tends to be very slow to change its opinions...
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 08,Apr,14 07:39 other posts 
$600 to have the circumcision done. Hospital/Clinic sells the foreskin to Bio-Medical company's for $1,200 each. The Bio-medical company's (I.E Dermagraft)grows the foreskin to cover the area of a football field. the infant foreskin is then harvested and used to treat burn patients. one infant foreskin can generate up to $750,000.....

By 3fdfd [Ignore] 03,Apr,14 06:37 other posts 
probably for the vast, vast majority of guys born in the United States 1925 - 1975 we were cut at birth - social reasons - certainly not religious or medical for that huge majority of American guys.

By #428975 03,Apr,14 01:31
well I'm uncut and I love it and if I ever have a boy I wont circumcised him

By #202392 02,Apr,14 23:40
i was unfortunately circumcised as an infant
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 03,Apr,14 00:03 other posts 
If your not happy about being circumcised.... I can provide you with info on how to change it

By JeffinKS [Ignore] 02,Apr,14 09:20 other posts 
from the B.C. College of Physicians & Surgeons (2004):

“Circumcision removes the prepuce that covers and protects the head or the glans of the penis. The prepuce is composed of an outer skin and an inner mucosa that is rich in specialized sensory nerve endings and erogenous tissue. Circumcision is painful, and puts the patient at risk for complications ranging from minor, as in mild local infections, to more serious such as injury to the penis, meatal stenosis, urinary retention, urinary tract infection and, rarely, even hemorrhage leading to death.”

By #418564 30,Mar,14 06:01
I was cut as an infant.
I'm not bothered about it at all. My penis looks good, feels good, I have an active sex life. My partner prefers cut cocks too.
And I don't have to waste time caring for a foreskin, just wash in shower and dry, job done.

This foreskin restoration business is a bloody waste of time, people getting upset and pursuing that have way too much time on their hands!
By #68656 30,Mar,14 06:39
Dear Mr. Livinglife.
Well said, especially the final paragraph about restoration.
These people who waste their time on that nonsense obviously do not/want to realize that there are far better and more edifying things in life than concerning themselves a body part that most people will not see let alone care about.
Adelaidean regards and compliments.
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 30,Mar,14 11:54 other posts 
JohnS... you my friend are an ASS. commenting on some thing you apparently know nothing about.

"These people who waste their time on that nonsense obviously do not/want to realize that there are far better and more edifying things in life than concerning themselves a body part that most people will not see let alone care about. "

you like your cut and hacked wiener? fine but don't run your mouth about foreskin restoration as you know nothing about it.
By #68656 30,Mar,14 12:18
Calm down Wolfie, save your energy for baying at the next full moon. Also please do not assume that either myself or other members are of lesser intellect than yourself.

My dachshunds (weiner dogs) said you can share a tasty bone with them, you can chew the skin off it.

[deleted image]
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 30,Mar,14 12:38 other posts 
where did I ever say you are of "lesser" intellect? I don't remember typing those words, so don't accuse me of something I didn't do.

you like your circumcised dick? fine. But don't run down others just because you don't understand and are unwilling to educate yourself

foreskin restoration has been around just as long as circumcision has been around.... ever wonder why that is? Maybe some guys really don't like being circumcised.
By #418564 30,Mar,14 17:00
Ffs, the anger and arrogance of you restoration people is laughable! Get over it and enjoy what you have. There's far more important things to worry about in the world. Stop worrying about something that happened many years ago and stop crying yourselves to ****!
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 30,Mar,14 18:40 other posts 
what anger and what arrogance? you are the one showing anger and arrogance not me.... I just made a comment.

if your happy with what you have, then that's awesome!

I wasn't so I " got over it" as you said and restored mine. and I am very happy with the results and the increase in pleasure.
By #161491 30,Mar,14 11:59
It takes my husband all of 20 seconds to wash his foreskin every day. That's hardly "wasting time." You probably spend more time cleaning your ears.
By #443664 30,Mar,14 19:11
@gaydude65 well said, I personally find circumcision to be barbaric and unnecessary, as long as you wash your **** and teach them hygiene they shouldn't need to be cut to be clean, I wash my foreskin regularly and never had complaints for being uncut. I'm glad to hear circumcision is on the decrease amongst newborns in USA and is banned in Germany amongst newborns, proves that people are now realising wives tales like cutting are not true and can cause more harm than good (e.g. Loss of feeling, needing lube to jack off, living in denial thinking that a circumcised penis is normal because it happened to you, the latter is the way a lot of people, not all, think because they were cut after being born).
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 30,Mar,14 19:19 other posts 
"living in denial thinking that a circumcised penis is normal because it happened to you, the latter is the way a lot of people, not all, think because they were cut after being born"

By t-rex [Ignore] 30,Mar,14 19:18 other posts 
Had no say in it, I was a baby, but,,,,, I love mine

By #95089 30,Mar,14 14:57
I was also cut as an infant, around 6, for medical reason but circumcision was not really common at that time in France. So, in my young years I really suffered from not being like the others, pushing me to hide myslef and stay away from collective sports and lockerrooms. I was just too shy and afraid of the comments. It is only in my late teen years that I started realizing that I was not the only one like this, thanks to Internet and pix of cut cocks. Now, I have fully accepted my circumcision and I love my cut cock!

By #22771 04,Oct,13 01:55
I was done as a ****, I had no choice and I'm not sure why I was done, wish I could make my own choice.

By #407908 06,Aug,13 14:47
As a baby, for religious reasons.

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By malecall4 [Ignore] 13,Sep,13 04:16 other posts 
nice job too!

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