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where u embarrassed at school about ur cock

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Started by #306220 [Ignore] 12,Mar,13 09:17
I was embarrassed because my pubic hair was growing at the age of 9 years and every time I went swimming with the school everyone would look at my pubic hair and I had one of the biggest cocks in school it was 7 inch when I was 9 years old

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By #493361 28,Jan,18 11:12
Never had to be naked in front of anyone at school. Thank God!

By littlemike58 [Ignore] 28,Jan,18 10:15 other posts 
yes very embarrassed when in shower

By #546400 26,Jan,18 23:50
Very embarrassed being 1” flaccid getting changed for PE was hell

By #206678 22,Jan,18 15:03
I had a horrible time at school. Not only was I a bit on the small side I was also only one of 3 or 4 boys who were uncut!!

I loved playing sport but hated the shows after. By third year at High School I gave up sport!

The teasing and negative comments was constant and worse still it happened in front of the girls too!!!

One of the big pranks was a thing called 'dakking'. This is where you sneak up behind the victim and quick pull his pants down to expose his dick. These smart arses would make sure these was an audience to see. Both girls and boys.

By #547271 21,Jan,18 21:42
Didn't hit puberty until 17.had a little 1 incher with peach fuzz, I was tormented constantly! All through school, all through my 20s and 30s it got worse, very few passed on the opportunity to verbally barrage me relentlessly! Even the girls I dated as even the girls I married (3 times-all stated the biggest reason was my size and performance.)

By #521857 19,Jan,18 09:39
I was,at 17(After 3 years of being homeschooled) after the swimming lessons I would keep my bathing suit in the shower because my 6" dick becomes sooooo small(1,25") when not hard. I was framed as the small dick guy after passing out in briefs with my soft dick out at a party with too much alcohol.

By #479082 19,Jan,18 08:12
I had the opposit problem: I hit puberty when I was 14 to 15.
So I was completely hairless and small dicked.
I was very embarassed compared to all the other haired and big cocked schoolmates. At the end it grew up to 5,52 when erect and I'm still embarassed.

By foreskinfetish [Ignore] 17,Jan,18 23:03 other posts 
When I started 7th grade, it was at a new school where unlike my previous school, almost everyone was circumcised. I felt so self-conscious about my foreskin that I started skinning it back and leaving it there so it would look like everyone else's. It was still somewhat different, since the head was a deep red/purple rather than gray like the other boys'. I have since left that behind and now I thoroughly enjoy being naked in front of other people and showing off my foreskin.

By #486048 17,Jan,18 12:29
no i wasent embarrassed at all.

By #342127 17,Jan,18 09:54
We never showered after gym. The gym teacher always suggested it, which made a lot of kids think he was gay. He wasn’t- just a different generation. We did change in front of each other, though. I don’t remember being very self-conscious at the time, but I wasn’t walking around the locker room naked either.

By cumcouplessa [Ignore] 16,Jan,18 22:56 other posts 
Hubby here. I was scared to shower after PE, as I couldn't help staring and getting hard.

By bil47 [Ignore] 16,Jan,18 09:03 other posts 
We took group showers starting in 7th grade. I was just entering puberty and got a thrill out of showing off my developing penis and balls... and checking out my naked classmates, of course.

By Timbo [Ignore] 16,Jan,18 04:30 other posts 
I was embarrassed to be naked with the other guys in the school shower. I didn´t like it at this time. But the time has changed. Now i didn´t have a problem to be naked in front of other people.

By Darthshame [Ignore] 16,Jan,18 02:07 other posts 
I was embarrassed it got hard when ever I talked to a pretty or busty girl. Many times I had to quickly excuse myself and hide it.

By #275407 16,Jan,18 00:49
Yes I used to hide from taking showers in p.e. Class, because I Allways had an erection all the time and was afraid to show it. I also wore two pairs of underwear to try to hide my budge so no1 would notice. I makeup for that now,mi luv showing myself off naked.

By #518391 05,Jun,17 05:37
I was embarrassed about my cock not only because it was smaller than almost all the others, but also because I was uncircumcised and the vast majority of other boys were circumcised....we 'cavaliers' were always regarded as inferior!
By #539358 07,Nov,17 04:18
You must have gone to a private school as ours was completely different. In my class at school, out of around 30 boys only one was circumcised, and that was at aged 13-ish.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 15,Jan,18 15:00 other posts 
Same here... Uncut cocks were always regarded as "inferior"... Especially in the US in the early 60s.

By veryshyguy [Ignore] 15,Jan,18 14:59 other posts 
Not only embarrassed but "bullied" and made fun of. Being one of the few who had an uncut cock back in the early 60s was not cool. And being small doesn't help. You just don't "look" like the other boys...

By cardinal [Ignore] 15,Jan,18 14:22 other posts 
only when I see a sexy ass teacher where shes wearing tight ass jeans you know it's impossible not too get a boner then sit there even when the bell rings just for a little while hoping that it gets soft for you to be able to make it too next class without anyone noticeing it.

By #545929 15,Jan,18 14:01
Grade 1 to the end of grade 6, we would just change clothes in the locker room, so it was very rare that you would see another guy totally naked.

From grade 7 onwards, that's when we all started taking showers together. There was some initial embarrassment for many of the guys as it was the first time we had seen each other naked but I think there was also a lot of curiosity because of that too. Everyone would check each other out. There were only two uncut guys in my school; everyone else was cut. Some of the classes mixed together for PhysEd so you would occasionally see an older guy's cock with pubic hair or a semi erection.

Highschool was just a hormonal pot pourri with cocks of all sizes, shapes, flaccid, semi, erect, hair, hairless, etc.

By #64328 15,Jan,18 13:06
Cock size was fine but i didnt grow pubic hair till i was in my junior year. Everything else matured normal. Just hairless till 17

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By #463848 15,Jan,18 06:20
Wish you had been at my school, I would have loved to see one that size. That said, none of the boys ever had erections in the changing rooms at my school. I did see one or two in the cloakrooms. Most of the ones I saw were other boy scouts.

By #543717 15,Jan,18 03:35
I was, especially at age 13, as I was the only one without pubes, although my size was big enough and I already could cum a drop.

By #539358 07,Nov,17 04:16
Yes. Firstly because at our main school when we all reached puberty mine seemed a bit on the small side compared to most boys in the showers (with a couple of exceptions, one boy had a micro-penis and everyone used to laugh at him in the changing room). Secondly, knowing I was gay even back then I used to try and not get an erection looking at the other boys cocks. Thirdly, my foreskin was tight and would not retract until I was 18-19 and it embarrassed me. Lastly, and most importantly, my penis shaft was (and still is) completely covered in Fordyce spots. Now, in the modern age with the internet you can find out about these things with a swift click on google, but back in 1979 there was no such thing and I really thought there was something wrong with my dick, especially after "comparing" with the **** next to me under our desks when he blurted out "Urgh, yours is covered in spots!".

By #544615 07,Nov,17 01:12
At the all boys boarding school I attended the boys in my dorm would every night take turns fucking the boy with the smallest cock. For a whole year I was gang banged by 7 boys every night. My tiny 4" cock was no match for the other boys cocks

By #289712 07,Jun,17 21:48
Of course most of us were!!

By #493914 24,Nov,16 11:39
I was bullied at school every day worse was after sports in the showers because of my small cock they use to wet there towels and hit me very hard worse was hitting my balls I would go home with blue balls, i would cry nearly every night and also thought of suicide. My cousin who was in same class found out and comfort me at her house and one day she asked me to show her my balls and she sniggered about my cock size i said that is why I'm bullied about the size, she started to play with my cock then started to give me a blow job until I cum in her mouth, so everytime I was hit she gave me the best cure.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Jun,17 01:52 other posts 
That's a nice cousin. Wish I could borrow her.

By diamund [Ignore] 16,Nov,16 19:50 other posts 
Nope not ever
By routemaster [Ignore] 16,Nov,16 22:28 other posts 
Me neither

By #519017 16,Nov,16 13:33
I was embarrassed by my pubic hair at first in the school changing room and showers but soon got used to it. My cock was average. Erections in the changing room were quite common. One boy would get one and the harder we'd try not to get erect the more our cocks would swing up stiff. Best was school swimming where two of us would share a changing cubicle. The privacy and intimacy was very erotic and we'd both get hard up and compare each other's kit.
By #64328 16,Nov,16 14:44
I remember those days. Boner were contagious. Once one got a boner others would start springing up

By #202392 16,Nov,16 12:58
I was not embarrassed at all. I never missed an opportunity to get naked

By #503470 16,Jul,16 08:39
I was a late bloomer n only had a tiny amount of pubic hair that began to appear about 15y/o,i had no underarm hair at all,my dick was small aswell compared to most of the guys in the change room,i loved wearing speedos when we went swimming even though i got teased about my tiny dick
By spermkiss [Ignore] 16,Jul,16 19:13 other posts 
And now as an adult you're hairless. I, too, was a late bloomer as far as hair was concerned, and now as an adult I, too, am hairless.

What was an embarrassment as an adolescent has become a badge of honor as an adult.

By Nevermore [Ignore] 12,Jun,16 13:32 other posts 
Not at all, I was the first to get pubic hair and grew to enjoy the stares I'd get from my classmates in the changing room and showers.

By #455846 12,Jun,16 13:25
the only problem sometimes was when some of those sexy teaches got me thinking and things got really hard... it was embaressing to get up i guess , at the end of the lesson

By #202392 05,Jun,16 21:33
I was never embarrassed about my dick in school. I always used too make sure I spent as much time naked as I possibly could when in the locker room.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 09,Jun,16 16:16 other posts 
Way to go, man. One of the real joys of going to a gym or pool is to maximize nude time in the changing room and showers.

By bda1406 [Ignore] 09,Jun,16 14:38 other posts 
Once it got hard was hanging out in front of the class didn't know it and thought the girls were just making fun of me

By #510842 24,May,16 23:51
I had hair by the time I was 11 or 12(can't remember exactly) so that wasn't an issue but from that age all the way through high school I was always a little embarrassed about my cock. Whenever I was in a locker room/ shower I would typically be one of the smallest in the crowd. To make things worse, especially when I was playing sports in high school, I had to concentrate really hard on not getting hard while in the shower/locker room. I had to make a conscious effort to keep my eyes up and not let them wander down south. If I let them wander down for more than a quick peek that would be it, the little guy would spring into action.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,May,16 00:08 other posts 
As far as your teen years and your physical reaction, I'm sure that's quite typical. My guess is that many men, both young and mature, LOOK UP for the very same reason. Then again, maybe they choose not to.
By #510842 25,May,16 21:32
That's probably very true. As much as I wanted to let my eyes wander down south it most likely would have ended up badly if I did. It wasn't as common back then as it is now to be open about your sexuality here in Texas. Combine that with being on the football team, supposed to be one of the macho jocks, and ending up hard in the locker room would have led to endless ridicule that would have spread like a wildfire throughout the school. That being said I was able, through many quick glances, to build up quite a spank bank of mental images that served me well during my high school years. Many involving one particular very cute freckled redhead that was one the team with me.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 31,May,16 13:08 other posts 
Yes, I know how it is at high school age. An erection in the showers or in the locker room would be the cause of endless gossip.

But really, it ain't no big thing (no pun intended). As every man knows, the penis has a mind of its own and spontaneous erections can and do occur. Furthermore, they can occur anywhere and any time. There isn't a man in the world who hasn't gotten an erection in a place like a gym locker room or shower. So what should you do if this happens? Don't do anything. You should neither call attention to it nor should you attempt to hide it. Which would only call attention to it. Just keep on doing whatever you'd be doing if you didn't have an erection. In all likelihood the others will pretend not to notice.

Also, concerning checking out other guys' dicks. It's not just the gay and bisexual guys who do it. ALL GUYS check out other guys' dicks. They may do it discreetly so they are not caught doing it, but they do it. Looking at dicks is a guy thing, not a gay thing.
By #510842 31,May,16 21:19
That is all very true. Believe me if I could have gotten away with ogling the guys in the shower when I was in high school I definitely would have. However I had a pretty good idea of the shitstorm that would have followed had I allowed my dick to do the thinking rather than my brain. A couple of friends of mine in high school had come out (one as being bi, the other gay) and I knew the shit they had to deal with. Like I said in my earlier comment there was one particular freckled redhead that I would have loved to have some fun with back then but was too scared of the backlash that could happen if I did to actually try anything. The area I live in is super conservative and it's only been in the last couple years that the acceptance of the LGBT community has started appearing. In fact it's because of that slow growing acceptance that I've finally admitted to a few of my closest friends that I was bi. It was actually a relief to get that out and a couple of them said they kinda figured I was.

By #428053 17,Nov,15 09:47
I grew up in the 50's and 60's and was uncircumcised. I was also a fairly shy person. When I started to find myself in group situations I was always the only one with a foreskin. My foreskin was also very tight and I had a long overhang. I wasn't able to even retract it until just before puberty, so I always got a lot of stares from wandering eyes. Most other guys didn't comment on my uncut status in public, but occasionally I was teased.
By hypoboy [Ignore] 03,Jan,16 17:09 other posts 
I grew up in Europe in the 70ies and was cut due to me being born with hypospadias. Thus, knowing i had surgery on my dick twice, i always felt so much different and feared that others would say something they'd discovered on me being different and tease me... But thankfully in reality this had never happened - to my surprise.

Only some years ago i realized that it probably just looked like a "normal" cut dick to most of them. Of course i was the only one in my class back then being cut so for me it was a big difference but apparently not for the others. And they didn't see the underside which is scarred quite a bit. Nobody ever asked why i was cut.

Today i enjoy being cut and "show my dick head off" proudly as it became more fashion over here too...

With nudity in general i had quite some issues at first, as when i was a boy i had to drop my pants all the time in front of medical people and my parents. But then as of 18yo i trained myself by going to nude places like beaches or saunas and got used to the nude feeling... today i show all off with pride and have no worries anymore about my different cock look nor size...
By raybo36 [Ignore] 31,May,16 17:39 other posts 
I too grew up in Eastern Europe where I was the only one in the showers with an exposed head as I am cut as well. It was uncomfortable to say the least and it didn't help that even at an early age my glans was purple/blue in color. Tried to hide it as much as possible but not easy when everybody naked in shower.

By #204902 25,May,16 05:48
I was very embarrassed because I had pubic hair with ten. And my cock grew a lot from 10yo to 12yo. We had Swimming lessons every week and I tried to hide my cock when changing clothes but that didn't work! I was the only one with such a big hairy cock! I was a good swimmer but I always hated the Swimming lessons because of my early puberty
By spermkiss [Ignore] 31,May,16 13:12 other posts 
An interesting comment. You were embarrassed because you had an early growth of pubic hair. When I was an adolescent, pubic hair was a badger of honor. There was an unspoken competition to see who had the most the soonest.

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