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A puzzling observation.....

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by MoeJoe [Ignore] 16,Feb,10 06:03  other posts
It seems odd to me that guys with no pics or maybe one poor quality pic, put themselves in the Top 30 list and waste everyone's time looking to see what they have to offer. Also, some choose to place crappy quality pics on the Banner too......it would seem that these two features would be there for those who have something worthwhile showing off......just my observations.

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By MoeJoe [Ignore] 06,Jun,10 04:56 other posts 
It means you are illiterate.....
By #10886 06,Jun,10 05:25
....smacks moe with his foreskin.....he wanted to know how to disable the blocker!
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 06,Jun,10 08:10 other posts 
Ooooh...bitch slap me with that foreskin.....

By #53350 16,Feb,10 14:52
we tried to put one of our pictures in the top banner, but was unable to do so, we have enough points, any advice?
By admin [Ignore] 16,Feb,10 15:02 other posts 
pop-up blocker

By #28707 16,Feb,10 09:34
First, I want to thank you guys for making me welcome on the site and for your friendship. I do not disagree with your concerns,but I would add a couple. I like this site for its many good points and do not want to undermine it by discouraging or ticking off either admin. or the guys like you. Also, I would like to determine with you an approach that we might all take toward those few things that are, in varying degrees, troubling for us. We need, I think, to recognize that admin. does not operate this site out of charity. There is, quite reasonably, a profit motive. While I have not always agreed with admin. decisions, I think he does an excellent job overall and I appreciate that he has created and maintains the site. He is not likely to bounce a big earner (relatively speaking) because a bunch of guys who (for the most part) don't contribute to his bottom line. So, maybe, if we all subscribed to a paying participation we would have more influence when we thought there was a problem. Beyond that maybe we need a commonly agreed upon response to those few jerks on site. I believe we simply have to accept the reality that there are going to be poor quality and, sometimes disturbing pics. Hopefully we might try to help that poster to do better but, failing that, we should consistently ignore them. Bad banner pics just are not a problem that I think we need to fight and I have found that some of the good ones have introduced me to guys that I might not to have otherwise ever met. My biggest dislike is that very small number of foulmouthed, disrespectful guys that inject their negativity into this otherwise excellent environment. I continue to wish that admin would ban any of us that consistently behave so badly. As for me, until there is some other better course open to me, I am going to ban them and never respond directly to them.
By admin [Ignore] 16,Feb,10 09:44 other posts 
You have means to report illegal pics. I receive very little reports and if after seeing such topics I decide to browse "recent submits" I cannot find any. Which means they are either for friends (which make me wonder why you have such friends) or do not exist at all.

As for the pics that are legal but not of your taste - there are categories for this. "Evaluate" pics that are not proper for the category and do not go into categories you do not like. Pretty simple.

As for the guys who "spoil" - you can ban any member from your pages. You can also explain this to those who are not aware of this feature. And, after that, just do not go to the pages where they are allowed.

By "you" I do not mean you, dreason, but all of the conserned.

By admin [Ignore] 16,Feb,10 09:36 other posts 
Logically this feature is used by those who cannot get enough attention naturally. I.e. if you have good pics or are an interesting person - you receive a lot of visits and messages, and if you are not - you don't and thus need to attract attention with other means which are banner and tops.

Again, what does surprise you in this exactly???

By #6568 16,Feb,10 08:55
I agree with you , however, that is only one of many problems building up with this site now.......

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