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ok what about fine art preferences

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by overeight [Ignore] 23,Jun,20 10:51  other posts
There is currently a movement by some ladies who claim women have been sexualized by men in art for centuries and men have been shown as string and verile. These fine ladies want to expose men as vulnerable and sexual and sometimes as beautiful pieces of art. This women are trying to get the art community to accept that a man with an erection can be a thing of beauty to be appreciated and out in the open. They claim men's penis' in art has always been flaccid and somewhat obscured in his pose and the artist have concentrated on his head and shoulders while his butyoks have usually been poked out so that his penis is somewhat hidden and never fully exposed ir most certainly ever is it erect. Some artist also claim that an erection in art isn't art at all but only porn. What's your opinion is an erection in art porn or should an artist who does a terrific artful beautiful painting or statue wlof a man with a full erection be allowed in public museums or should it be left status quo. Give me your thoughts.

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,May,21 13:44 other posts 
Good topic.

By #292354 24,Jun,20 15:05
As an artist, i say an erection can be art. On the other hand, there's the cliche but true statement: beauty and art are in the eye of the beholder. There are plenty of people who would say that it is, and probably just as many that would say it isn't.

There probably won't ever be any blanket agreement on this subject. I know artists who disagree with me, and they've explicitly told me they wouldn't even consider painting or drawing an erect penis even if it wasn't the primary focus of the art. Even though I don't agree, I can understand this viewpoint and respect that opinion. Basically, their arguement I've heard is that an erect penis is visibly aroused and thus sexual in nature while exposed breasts and/or vagina is not necessarily sexual because (typically) one cannot tell visually if a female is aroused. To me, that's all opinion based on someones personal views, culture, and preferences.

I don't disagree with what these women are trying to do with erections in relation to art, but I do disagree that there is not historical precedence of erect penis in art. There are plenty of examples of egyptian, greek, and roman art and sculpture that have erections. I think that for the most part, erections are culturally a sign of sexual arousal, which makes some people uncomfortable. As art tries to be appealing to as many people as possible, erections tend to get left hanging so as not to alienate potential viewers.

This is evident in how I share my artwork, even though I do have the opinion that an erection can be art. I do not associate my NSFW drawings with my public "SFW artist persona". I post all my NSFW drawings to a private Reddit page that doesn't link to or identify who I am. I understand that most of my NSFW art is probably not going to be widely accepted, possibly offensive to certain folks, and I don't really want to explain my views to everyone. So, I keep them separated.
By overeight [Ignore] 25,Jun,20 02:45 other posts 
Greene I've posed for fine art groups and students before and I had this discussion with a couple of artist before. They thought an erection was just absolutely not accepted at all in art. However once when I posed for a class these two super hot college girls came in and usually this artist had a model come in and sit in on a drawing before using them to pose. Well these girls came in a little late and they were wearing basically nothing(I'm in Florida) and well they came in and interrupted the room. This other very nice looking artist was sitting right in front of me about 4 feet from me. Well these girls sat a couple of rows back and they started whispering and pointing. Well I was already in my pose before they got there and was looking pretty much right at them after they got there. Well they were behind the girl only a few feet from me. So when they started talking quietly and pointing at my cock I got a little aroused and these girls were smoking ass hot. They were cheerleaders for FSU. Well when I got a little aroused it was all cool no one said a word. Well one of them then pointed at my cock for the other one to look and she did and both jaws dropped. All of a sudden I'm getting very erect. And the girl rich in front of me stopped drawing and started looking and so did this other very pretty artist lady. So that got me more aroused to the point I was full attention. The guy who holds the class asked me do you need a break its ok if you do. I said well if you want I can take one but if it doesn't bother anyone I'm ok with it. All four girls spoke up and said ohh its ok if he doesn't mind its not bothering us at all. Do he said ok I guess thats it the ladies want to watch. So I held my pose. The girl only a few feet from me sat forward in her chair looking very intently at my cock. The girls behind her stood up to get a better view. The other lady moved her easel up and slide her chair forward a couple of feet. And it just would not go down. Then the guy who holds the class his wife walked in and she walked between me and the girl very close to me and her shirt rubbed my head just barely( its a small studio). Then she stood next to him looking and asked is it ok if I take a couple of pictures? So I said sure. The girls loved that. The one close to me stood up and said let me get out of your way. She walked around her easel and bent over only inches from my cock with her cute ass and I just couldn't help but move my eyes to at her ass by this point. So the wife took pics of me standing there with a flagpole. Then she walked out. The girl close to me moved back but was closer now. The artist then asked me again ok if you need a break just let me know ok. I said I'm ok if you all are. The girl in front of me then leaned in to me and asked him I'm not sure how to ask but I'm about to start on your penis and is it about to go down or can I draw it like that and how long can you stay that way. I said uhh well do I need to. She said if you can and dint mind I've never drawn an erect one before. I said ill do my best. Then the cheerleaders quietly behind her opened their shirts and showed me one nipple each. The girl sat there drawing and looking at my cock and surprisingly I stayed pretty erect until my break. Then before I put on my robe I asked her ok did you get it. She said yes I did thank you. I looked at her drawing and she did get it. The other lady I walked over and looked at her picture and she got it too. Then I asked the guys ok I bet none of you guys drew that. They all said no I was drawing your shoulders another said I was drawing your moustache. The cheerleaders then left. Then I had one more pose before session ended. When it ended I went and dressed and the girl right in front of me was fooling around out at her car parked next to me. Everyone else had left except the guy who had the studio.its at his house. When I walked out the girl said to me I want to tell you I really do appreciate you trying as hard as you could to stay that way I really have never drawn that before and I wanted to. Thanks. I said its no problem hun. If you want to anytime he has my number ill pose for you anytime that way but I might need a little motivation like a porn playing or something to help me stay that way. She said really you would do that. I said sure. She said but I bet I can't afford you by myself I can't pay you much. I said ill tell you what. If you want to have me pose in not going to ask you to do anything unethical to pay me but lets do this. I'll pose for you for $30 bucks and you set up and before you draw you get nude and draw me and just do it in the buff so that way its easy for me to stay that way. Fair enough. She said ohh really. I said sure. She said well I'm kind of shy I'm not sure I would be comfortable being naked but my roommate might. I said well I haven't seen her but I think your attractive and I know if you did I could stay that way. She said hmmm ill think about it but I'm not sure. I said well that or text me your rookies pic and ill tell you if she will do. She said thats a deal,ill do that. Then we left

By spermkiss [Ignore] 23,Jun,20 19:13 other posts 
Erections in fine art? Sure, why not.

There are many postings on this very site that I think qualify as fine art and I've said so.
By overeight [Ignore] 24,Jun,20 09:25 other posts 
Quite honestly I think every one of blondebartenders pictures should be in a museum they are so beautiful. But I do see what these few lady artist are saying if you look close enough in art you can see it. In some panting's and art exhibits the ladies are mostly fully exposed there breast are poked out their back arched and legs usually spread enough to completely see the full vagina. However most male art the penis is there but their legs are usually in front of the crotch or in a walking position ir standing ir they are sitting leaning forward or the genitalia kind of obscured in some way. What these ladies do is have guys spread their legs or lay completely on their back with an erection or lean back so that the penis is front center. Its just treating men in the same way ladies have been treated for centuries.

By #588327 24,Jun,20 07:15
Nothing wrong with erections but not sure if that's art. It's the same penis soft or hard. Hard is more sexual so we know what the guy is thinking about. It not like a hard penis is art and a soft one is ugly or not art. We might not want to show guy in public and show his sexual side. That's usually more private. Showing a guy soft is not always sexual.

Just showing a naked lady does not have to mean it sexual. She just naked, just like guy can be naked and soft

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