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Soft Flopped Straight Out

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Soft Flopped Straight Out

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 92


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By gradurgaur 18,Nov,23 17:27
Big beautiful cock
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 02,Dec,23 21:47
Very kind of ya, grad (:

By studhound90 18,Nov,23 19:51
My mates got a nice cock
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 02,Dec,23 21:48
My mate is a legend (:

By Nawmie54 18,Nov,23 23:05
Those hairy balls are such a turn on!
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 02,Dec,23 21:50
I do tend to not shave my balls half of the time nowadays, Nawm - the rushed cuts get old quickly

By decatur212 19,Nov,23 06:34
Oh wow you look magnificent girls don’t miss out get in touch and be glad you did.
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 02,Dec,23 21:50
Thanks a lot, sec (:

By stefan123 19,Nov,23 06:58
everything to be happy
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 02,Dec,23 21:51
He’s always happy, stef (: - spoiled brat

By Celestial 19,Nov,23 11:17

Looks really great!
At first glance, I thought the markings on your glans was some special 'trademark' you had created and branded.
Upon closer examination with a magnifying glass, it turns out to be just wrinkles!
Ah, the ravages of time, young man! Keep your LVE muscle pumped up!
One day, science may conclude that wrinkles must be some sort of virus that tries to take over the whole body.

By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 19,Nov,23 13:09
- love your sense of humour, Celestial . Soft pic and i’m loosely circ’d (: - i kind’ve like that, is a ‘trademark’ of sorts re the mood/phase of my dangle lol. No wrinkles yet, but the side of my beard does go white when it grows past 2cm. Not in a million years is a pump coming anywhere near my soldier…the evidence of what they do is CLEAR - 1cm on 21+, nah thanks - i hate beetroot
By Celestial 19,Nov,23 14:33

I apologize for the misunderstanding when I said, "Keep your LVE muscle pumped up!"
I didn't mean using one of those 'machines'. Just keep Sir Peter active humping; that's
the best exercise on the planet!

By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 19,Nov,23 14:45
It sure is, Celestial (: and will do 🤜🤛🤝✊🏼. That was just my opportunity to throw one of my opinions out there
By Celestial 20,Nov,23 03:17

By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 22,Nov,23 03:17
By JoMoSubOralBttm 22,Nov,23 04:08
I think what he's trying to say is "Damn that's a hot hunk of meat" It really is
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 02,Dec,23 21:47
Thanks, mate (:

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