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By paipan4460 06,Aug,15 16:55

By CockCurious 30,Jan,16 15:55
you're so fucking sexy, hun
we two should form a porn-dou! I'm ready for a lot of naughty things... just tell me how you would like me to dress, and a few favourite locations, where we can film like an hour or so and can fuck each other without disturbing or getting disturbed

By CockCurious 30,Jan,16 16:08
maybe a nice roleplay
like i break into your appartment in the middle of the night to steal a tv or so... but you overpower me as you catch me, and manage to tie me up...
then i try to flirt with you, so you let me go... but you shamelessly exploit my situation (being tied up) and start to touch and tease me everywhere with your cock, before you enter my mouth...

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