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It's a clay knob! I wonder if that will fit...

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It's a clay knob! I wonder if that will fit...

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By Emerald 03,Jan,22 21:11
It's a clay knob! I wonder if that will fit...
By honey1 25,Jan,22 18:34
I'd like to see ..will it hurt !! u dick looks so hot soft
By Emerald 29,Jan,22 19:33
Thank you! This innocent-looking but thoroughly evil thing was made by stuffing my foreskin full of clay, with no space left anywhere. Then it was taken out and left to become hard as a rock. Putting it back inside is possible, but only barely. It has to sit in exactly the right location to fit, and I can't use lube, or it will start to disintegrate. Getting it in involves pinching and dragging my skin as hard as I can, and shoving it in with brute force. There's no way I can do it in less than half an hour. And yes, it certainly does hurt! My foreskin is normally quite thick, but you can see in the final picture how thinly it stretches when it has to come back over the clay. I love it, but as you can imagine I don't do it very often. I took these photos mainly to prove that, yes, I can still manage.

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