Skinnybareslave: Nasty cock whore spank me fuck me then piss on me and walk awayplace your
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My cock is useful for a lot of things;-)

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My cock is useful for a lot of things;-)

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 20


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By #621680 14,Jul,20 08:53
Robben you are a genius
By Robben 14,Jul,20 09:09
I hope others get inspired and do the same. If not I should maybe begin to sell replicas of my cock which people can have on the wall in the shower room - ”the towel hanger ”
By #621680 14,Jul,20 09:17
That would actually be a genius move to make

By DeepThroatThis 14,Jul,20 13:47
I could hang my entire closet wardrobe on that beast
By Robben 14,Jul,20 14:32
Well, then you have not much clothes

By #609795 14,Jul,20 18:53
Sweet towel rack
By Robben 15,Jul,20 02:43
Thank you!

By lizardjoe 15,Jul,20 00:06
Come over! I will do some pull-ups on that
By Robben 15,Jul,20 02:43
By #621758 15,Jul,20 07:16
hi frnd
super dick ..4 me

By #621758 15,Jul,20 03:08
hi sexy
nice dick in very long and thick than me by excess 4 inche..
By Robben 15,Jul,20 03:09
Thank you!

By #344303 15,Jul,20 06:29
Impressive as always.
By Robben 15,Jul,20 06:37
Thank you! Appreciated

By marbrando 16,Jul,20 00:02
You never stop to make me horny
By Robben 16,Jul,20 00:09
Thats a great compliment, thank you!!

By DonVoltonus 16,Jul,20 01:35
A most beautiful cock.
By Robben 16,Jul,20 03:34
Thank you!!

By 42pupasmurfblue60 16,Jul,20 02:20
I would love to hang my towel over your cock any day!!!!
By Robben 16,Jul,20 03:34

By Ingot 16,Jul,20 07:27
i agree
you could always use if for a hammer
By Robben 16,Jul,20 08:10
Nice idea - multi tool
By Ingot 16,Jul,20 08:20
a woman can use it to hang her purse too
her umbrella
a hat rack
a place to hang her worn yoga pants in case she finds something to do real quick

you are multi-talented. any woman would appreciate that

By #497983 16,Jul,20 11:07
I need a heavy-duty towel rack like that!!
By Robben 16,Jul,20 12:32
For your service
By #497983 16,Jul,20 12:34
Oooooh la la!!!

By johnwish 16,Jul,20 12:50
I love photos of things hanging off a big hard cock! Well done Robben.
By Robben 16,Jul,20 13:31
Thank you john!
By johnwish 16,Jul,20 13:41

By PITBULL 16,Jul,20 20:59
that's a big hard cock. Did you jerk off?
By Robben 16,Jul,20 22:47
I like to jerk but usually save to cum when I fuck

By #475603 16,Jul,20 22:50
Mmmm throbbing Robben
By Robben 17,Jul,20 11:31

By LaRosa 17,Jul,20 11:28
useful in SO many ways!
By Robben 17,Jul,20 11:32

By #621975 17,Jul,20 21:10
Amazing cock!
By Robben 18,Jul,20 02:30
Thank you!!
By #621975 18,Jul,20 02:33
Ur welcome, I’m a new fan!

By soan844 18,Jul,20 05:07
superbe grande bite
By Robben 18,Jul,20 09:49
Thank you!

By #541414 18,Jul,20 11:23
Nice cock

By bella! 21,Jul,20 23:42
Hi Robben! Thank you for your interest in COCK GOT TALENT! 😁 , free theme photo contest by submitting this picture! The contest began July 21, with 15 participants!

Some of you read my blog and took the theme of the contest to heart when you submitted your picture. Thank you, I appreciate that! I do hope the folks that vote consider that when they cast their votes. With that said, I bid you good luck!
By Robben 22,Jul,20 02:32
I missed to read the blog before I entered the contest but now I have I had a feeling something should be done by the cock regarding the headline, good my feeling wasnt wrong Thank you Bella for your contests.

By #621033 09,Aug,20 12:49
Couldn't swallow that whole thing, but I could do chin ups and suck on it until you launched your load in my mouth!
By Robben 09,Aug,20 14:56

By HoneyLips 18,May,21 02:41
I need a new towel holder, and that one is PERFECT!! ….. What would it take to have a beautiful naked man w/ a gorgeous big thick rock hard cock like that holding my towel?? .
Maybe I could even convince him to wash my back for me……???

By Robben 18,May,21 04:35
I wouldnt mind to stand nude close behind you - with no towel
By HoneyLips 30,Jul,22 01:11
Pressing your hardness between my cheeks and then slipping your cock in between my wet swollen lips….. Mmmmmmmmm…….

By HoneyLips 30,Jul,22 01:07
I would like to go with you to a nude beach and go for a walk with you like this….. your big hard cock swinging from side to side as you walk along…. My pussy jewels pulling on my inner lips making them protrude so everyone can see how wet and swollen I am, my clit so big and swollen….. I’m so wet just thinking about it!!! 👅👅👅👅
By Robben 30,Jul,22 01:53
HoneyLips - it would be great to walk with you. Maybe more than just walking?

By Rachel_G 21,Mar,23 23:59
May I hang my bra there ?
By Robben 22,Mar,23 02:15
Yes I would be even more stiff when I see you nude

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