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About me

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By vsdick [Ignore] 28,Feb,10 18:03   Pageviews: 352

G'day. My name is Peter. I'm 73, live in Australia, have been happily married for over 40 years and still enjoy great sex with my wife. However, she know nothing about the site and I intend to keep it that way. If you would like to chat to me, please feel free.

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By dura2000 [Ignore] 05,Oct,21 16:52
My wife has no idea either, I go to a nude beach near here and she knows I go there but not what I do there.

By kon6838 [Ignore] 04,Sep,21 18:03
Same. here
The wife didn't know either.

By #74217 [Ignore] 07,Dec,10 06:32
Hey VSDICK, I've found you here, if you are happily married why do you do you fuck around with me? You lair. And you want to get your wife fucked by my husband. Wait till she reads this.
By #562152 [Ignore] 11,Sep,18 20:03

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 23,Jul,17 22:14
I would love to but can not find more other than your other blog entries???

By northencape [Ignore] 12,Jan,14 00:52
mr anonymous she probably had read it already and fondled her hubby hard and got a good ride while you had to make do with a tissue right?

By #84714 [Ignore] 23,Aug,10 20:00
l o l

By Vita [Ignore] 28,Feb,10 22:47
Okay ?!!

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