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Politeness and respect

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By vsdick [Ignore] 25,Jul,12 19:33   Pageviews: 234

I'm an older guy and I feel some young women don't want to chat with me. That's absolutely fine with me, but please, if you would prefer I left you alone, just tell me. There is no need to immediately ban me. I'm always polite and respectful on here and I hope other people behave likewise.

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By mountainman2 [Ignore] 08,Dec,20 15:45
Amen to that!!! Just be nice

By #562152 [Ignore] 11,Sep,18 20:01
I love our chats. I would never turn you away, lollipop. You've been my friend for a long time

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 23,Jul,17 22:13
You are correct about this for sure! Too many folks now days think that trump guy is the way to be and act! Rude and crude about everything. I was told one time that if a guy hits on a guy that is not into guys the best response should be "Thank you but I am not into guys but you sure have good taste!" Just be nice to your fellow humans and it will return to you 10 fold. Be mean and it will return on you 100 fold!

By #470060 [Ignore] 12,Oct,14 06:09
Your always welcome to chat with me, I enjoy you and have never felt bothered by you. Most likely the banning has come from men and not real women??

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