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By xdjxx1 [Ignore] 11,Jul,13 02:37   Pageviews: 61

OK, so a little background to what I'm just about to say. I'm 28, and I last had sex just over two YEARS ago, shortly after I split up with my then girlfriend.

Since then, I've had a couple of quick blow jobs off girls I've met and got along with, but nothing has led all the way to the real thing. This has been largely due to the fact that I just cannot consider having penetrative sex with anyone who I don't have real feelings for. It means nothing, and that has meant that in practice I've never been able to get the right sensation.

All of which has meant that, more than ever, I have become attached to my right hand over the last two years. I don't have the most dominant sex drive, but I found myself drawn into masturbating at least five times a week, frequently more. Not that there is anything abnormal or unhealthy about that, but it felt as though I had got to the stage where I was giving way to my body's urges far too frequently. So, I thought I'd take a little more control, and see how long I could last without whacking one off.

It was tough. In the first three or four days, my sex drive rocketed, and I felt as though I had to masturbate nearly all the time. It dropped off considerably as I settled into a routine and found other things to do (I've been much more active in the online communities I'm part of, have focussed more at work and have felt less embarrassed around women I find attractive), but after 15 days, more powerful sensations of arousal started coming over me. They were less frequent than in the first few days (only five or six that I was aware of daily) but man, was I getting hard. The urge was growing rapidly.

Last night, I posted a picture of exactly what happened the first time I stroked my cock after such a long time unattended. It was forceful, rapid, but not a real ejaculation. This was just my body's way of getting release. Since it happened though, my sex drive is rocketing again. I couldn't doze off last night for hours due to the unbearable pressure growing in my boxers.

But I resisted. And I feel empowered for it today. I have made the executive decision that I need to unload, however. My housemate is out tonight, and I know that I have a couple of hours to myself. So, I'm going to really go for it.

I'm going to record it for posterity - I've got a feeling that the sensations are going to be incredible and it's going to be a massive load so I think it's only right.

And if it feels as good as I think it might, I think I may actually give myself a week or two (although rarely the 19 days I'm standing at, I suspect) between sessions in future. Not least because abstaining has meant that psychologically I am in a better place when approaching new women. And because let's face it, when you jerk it off every day, whilst you never get bored of it, you don't get the same sensations you do when you leave it a bit.

***EDIT July 10,2013***
I have now put the video taken of my releasing all that pent-up tension on my profile page. Apologies for the recording quality. Concentrating on anything (other than my cock and bodily feelings) whilst ejaculating that forcefully was a little tricky.

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By xdjxx1 [Ignore] 11,Jul,13 17:47

Wow have I missed that!

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