I was having a discussion with one of my closest friends yesterday about my recent decision to upload photos and videos of my penis online.
A fairly reserved man, he couldn't quite understand the appeal. After all, he reserves his sexual organs for those people that he really wants to see them, which is only fair I suppose as they are his! He was intrigued as to why I wanted to do it though, and I have to admit that the question stumped me for a bit.
I think the answer was fairly straightforward in the end though.
It's a rush. I'm sure other users of the site will agree that whether it's men or women looking at you in a purely physical way makes little difference in many ways. Being checked out, especially the sexual organs, is a real turn-on. You know when you post your penis up on this website that those photos are immediately available for loads of people to see, and it's a thrill. When people comment you, or compliment you, even better.
The subsequent increase in confidence has its uses too. I'd have to say that the odd piece of positive feedback on here, or even the occasional upsurge in views, has served a real purpose: It reminded me that I can be a sexual being, that I am capable of providing pleasure to people.
I love your comments when I receive them - from both fellow men and women; I know I've got one of the smaller cocks on this site (I would have to say that I suspect that men with huge ones are more inclined to share with the world) but I get my enjoyment from it and hope that some of you do from my posted content too.
Must go now, thinking of the comments and people looking at my profile on here has got me really hard and if I don't do anything about it, I'll only end up sore and unfulfilled...

The male genitals are very often frowned upon when exposed in a non-sexual situation but I find just browsing around and seeing that we are all different but similar makes the genitals all the more interesting and pleasurable.
I have never experienced viewing anothers genitals up close nor has anyone really taken any notice of mine even in marital situations!
You maker a VERY true statement with "When people comment you, or compliment you, even better." IF ONLY it were the case every time! I have lost count of the hundreds of comments I have made over the years on SYD but the return comments are often totally missing! It does my ego the world of good to think that I have moved someone to write something, or at least more than "nice cock/balls etc"!
So aren't we all here displaying for that simple reason of a boost to our ego's?
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