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Only a provocative question?

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By berndconsum [Ignore] 08,Feb,15 17:08   Pageviews: 87

I'm asking here mainly those who, like me, have a not so magnificent penis.
What do you say about penis enlargement? Meanwhile, there are so many ways - lengthening, thickening, bulging testicles, larger glans... or even all together in one operation...
Is this all a matter of one's own satisfaction with what you've got, a question how to stand to cosmetic surgery or just a question of money?
So I would have to do something... But I miss the thousands of €...

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By Raypark [Ignore] 05,Nov,15 05:38
I use a penis stretcher and penis pump only because I was struck with a Peyronie's disease which is curvature of the penis without any real reason known, and it is only to straighten the curve. I was 71/4 inches before my curve, lost length and girth due to scaring. I am now 51/2 inches in length and very happy with what I have despite loosing all this length, I love my new curve to the right and upwards, my previous natural curve was downwards. It's like playing with someone else's cock, so fun and enjoyable

By Raypark [Ignore] 05,Nov,15 05:31
The most recent legit study revealed the average penis is 5 inches. A lot of penises look bigger or longer thru the angles and closeness of pic. Of course there are less then 3 % who are bigger than the average, but there are also less than 3 % who are also smaller than the average. Don't change a thing !!!! Your penis is PERFECT !!!!!

By #445862 [Ignore] 14,May,15 17:00
You don't need that. Your cock is a beauty... thick, nice veins, great shape... more than a mouthfull... I love it!

By #484429 [Ignore] 02,Apr,15 15:39
NONE of you need "enlargement" therapy. Guys like us are "growers", not "show-ers"...I like to think of us as "perfect cock". Surprising, juicy, FIRM...GREAT heads...

I ONLY "pump" because it feels great! Otherwise, I'm perfectly happy with my tiny cock.

By #370102 [Ignore] 08,Feb,15 18:19
I want naturopathy

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