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.... just a few thoughts....

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By vertigo377 [Ignore] 23,Oct,15 10:35   Pageviews: 164

Hi everybody,

These are the same words as in the post in the german language, I'm also interested in the opinion of the visitors prefer english words....

Sometimes when I check again the latest new images on this place and in a flash is half or a whole hour bygone, then I wonder what makes the strange fascination of this page. Of course, there is a strong erotic component: if you still find the male body very exciting and beautiful, then you are of course on the right place. But that could find on much more professional places in the net and download ... but maybe it's just that: here are guys like you and me ... the man next door who can make erotic pictures like the front cover of a magazin or sometimes just the natural, not perfect, the real eroticism ... and to make it so that I have a nice erection in my pants!

Another aspect is probably that men like to compare cocks; certainly for many it's the size an important role (for me does not necessarily mean there are horny little !!) ... but it's already like this: look what he has in his pants and what have I! Where are you looking down when a man comes to meet you in the sauna or bath? ... Women also look there?

... And third, has this site a lust awakened in me to show myself ... if someone had told me a few years ago that I present my stiff cock into the net and am pleased about the hot replys, would I hardly believed. At first I only watched here ... but then I thought it was only fair that all the people who giving me a view on their most intimate sides also show something of me, and now I find so an erotic photo session also very cool .....

Ok, so just a few thoughts that just came into my mind .... maybe someone has desire to describe his views on this page, I'm curious how you see this and what you encourage to take these pictures and to come back again and again .. I'm sorry if my english is not perfect!!


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By #532251 [Ignore] 26,Apr,22 12:01
It is so good to find someone whose thoughts are just like mine.
By vertigo377 [Ignore] 26,Apr,22 14:00
You have my full consent ... you see you are not alone with the fascination for this site.

By pipcock [Ignore] 22,Sep,20 23:10
I welcome your thoughts! This site has become special for me because it has encouraged me to explore my urges. I am happily married and our sex is still frequent and adventurous. But I know I have another side, and here I have let it free. You may find by reading my blogs the journey I have been on!
Thank you for putting words to the value of this site. Like most I exist on other sites, but this one sets me free!
By vertigo377 [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 09:27
Thanks for reply ... Always nice to hear that I am not alone with my ideas and dreams...

By #449052 [Ignore] 22,Jan,17 06:07
How very well spoken! Thank you for sharing. I feel the same on most of your points.
By vertigo377 [Ignore] 22,Jan,17 07:19
Thanks for reply ... and enjoy the erotic world on this page ... including my little contribution!

By #501022 [Ignore] 20,Jan,16 20:28
Yes, women look here as well.

I come here to show myself. I love positive comments, which I receive from men and sometimes from women.

By #244836 [Ignore] 25,Oct,15 07:33
I couldn't agree with you more. I spend lots of time on here, looking at all the hot guys and their cocks, and chatting with them, and showing off my cock.
Thank you for putting to words what I couldn't...Wouldn't sound as eloquent and I'd have to stop playing with my cock
By vertigo377 [Ignore] 25,Oct,15 09:03
Thanks for your answer .... nice to know that we have similar motivation to be here and to play with our imagination....

By #500097 [Ignore] 24,Oct,15 07:33
I feel the same... I left SYD for a few months, but it kept attracting me. Happy to be back and give and receive the communities comments.
By vertigo377 [Ignore] 24,Oct,15 09:10
thanks for reply!...yes, you coming back again ... these fellowship has a curious attractiveness...

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