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Open minded

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By DaddyxHollister [Ignore] 25,Oct,15 11:32   Pageviews: 136

I seem to be getting these questions a lot so I'll answer them.

1. Yes I am straight

2. No, guys commenting on my pics does not bother me

3. Yes, bi guys can message me whatever they want. I love conversation.

4. No seeing penises does not bother me. I see mine everyday.

5. Would I ever have a gay friend, yes

I knew all of this when I signed up years ago. My profile is for everyone to enjoy not just females.

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By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,15 12:50
"Would I ever have a friend, yes", sorry, I don't understand that.
By DaddyxHollister [Ignore] 25,Oct,15 15:04
Thank you Bella! Edited and fixed.

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