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Early sexual pleasure

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By Ade59 [Ignore] 11,Apr,16 10:13   Pageviews: 300

My first sexual feeling, although I did not realise it at the time, was lying flat on my stomach and rubbing my penis against the mattress. I was about seven or eight at the time and it was a lovely feeling although I did not know why.
By the time I reached 11 or 12 I was cumming regularly using this method but it was a bit messy so I stopped wearing pyjamas and have slept in the nude ever since, more than 50 years.
Mum mentioned once about stains on the bedsheet so I started cleaning it up with tissue. By this time I was wanking properly but I have always been fond of the original method and these days I find it easier to bring myself off this way.
It was about this time that a couple of mates and I started experimenting, but that is another story.

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By Sailem49 [Ignore] 09,Jun,19 01:06
I think I started wanking at around 12, don't remember how I knew what to do, maybe it's inbuilt in a man. I found my dads stash of tit books as I called them, there were no pussy pics in those days and no cocks either, but it certainly helped looking at the girls tits while wanking when my parents were out.

By #533644 [Ignore] 29,May,17 17:14
I started out at about 11 years old by moving my penis back and forth, not up and down. Did it that way until my neighbor showed me how he did it up and down his penis. I sometimes still go back to the back to the back and forth to relive old memories.

By #412225 [Ignore] 26,Aug,16 17:56
I missed out on experimenting with the other mates

By Harrycarrot [Ignore] 15,Apr,16 10:49
I used to clean up using a handkerchief which I kept on the floor at the side of the bed and which got pretty crusty in a short space of time. I used to think that my mother would just assume it was from blowing my nose but now looking back she must have known what I used it for
By Ade59 [Ignore] 15,Apr,16 13:08
I agree with you. Mum discovered my 'used' tissue on several occasions and asked why I was using it, but looking back she must have known. She never mentioned anything about sex so perhaps she was embarrassed. She was born in an era when sex was almost certainly a taboo subject.
By Harrycarrot [Ignore] 25,Jun,16 06:56
I wonder whether mothers in those days thought of it as a natural development and accepted it or whether they were disgusted by it? Sex in those days was taboo but one cant help thinking that they were secretly fascinated

By #499352 [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 04:50
Got off using the same method myself growing up. still do occasionally, especially when I wake up ready to cum from doing it in my ****.

Can't wait to hear about your experiments!
By #499352 [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 04:50
Why did it censor s l e e p?
By Ade59 [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 05:32
I cannot explain why. On another blog it censored ****. Very strange! Love your pics by the way
By Ade59 [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 05:35
It's done it again. I'll get round it by missing out a letter. The word is br-ther.
By #499352 [Ignore] 12,Apr,16 10:37
Thank you! I think your dick is super awesome

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