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Urethral stretching agaiin.

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By marine85 [Ignore] 15,Jun,16 18:17   Pageviews: 97

So, I have decided that after all of the abuse playing I have been doing lately, I am going to go back to stretching my urethra and peehole. My immediate goal is to be able to put my entire pinky finger down my urethra. Right now I can get 2/3rds (to the 2nd knuckle).
I am also moving up from the 10mm rod I was using for sounding , to a 13mm (aprox 1/2 inch), Exacto brand knife handle. It is currently tight but I am working it every other day to give time for healing and more stretching. Once it slides easily, I will move to something larger.
I have part of my meatotomy done and will possibly need to cut further to be able to fit all I want into the head of my penis. I will update (with pictures) as I progress.
Until later my friends. ..

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By mywusch [Ignore] 22,Apr,17 08:31

By 2pierced [Ignore] 25,Jul,16 04:36
I've reached a plateau at 14mm and this seems to be where sounding is most pleasurable for my cock. I hope you reach your goal. I make my own sounds and have converted to various profiles and find theses to be a great deal more pleasurable than non profiled straight sounds. Good Luck with your sounding!

By #510951 [Ignore] 18,Jul,16 19:25
just keep the pics coming

By marine85 [Ignore] 17,Jun,16 20:20
The first photos have been posted.
13mm (1/2 inch), polished aluminum x-acto knife handle, aprox 7 inches long.

By #491253 [Ignore] 17,Jun,16 17:51
Do keep us posted. Hope you reach your target.
By marine85 [Ignore] 17,Jun,16 20:06
Thank you and I will keep everyone posted! !

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