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How do I delete my answers to Yes Or No Questions?

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By Leilani [Ignore] 05,Sep,16 08:29   Pageviews: 387

On one of them I say YES to the question "Would you ever date a married man?" That makes me look like a real bitch!
How do I delete it? When I answered the question, I meant YES but only if he was truly separated with divorce papers filed or about to be filed and although legally married, his marriage was all over with...but people don't know what I meant and they'll just think, God, what a bitch.

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By #540119 [Ignore] 23,Aug,17 21:29
Don't worry about it, no one will judge you by it and if they do they have No Business being here.
Relax and just be yourself.

By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 05,Sep,16 09:11
I see the question.
It's worded as: "Would you have sex with someone else's spouse?"
I suggest blocking Questions Of The Day and that should either delete your answers to questions or hide them from viewing.
By Leilani [Ignore] 27,Sep,16 04:02
Thanx but whuff if I just want to change my answer or 'splain it?
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 28,Sep,16 23:35
Good question.

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,16 20:24
Leilani, most of the time I answer "NO", if I'm unsure/have additional questions in order to understand and qualify the question. There's another member who apparently reads the responses and has asked me additional questions regarding my answers.

The last response he asked about was the one about having sex with a stranger. I responded "NO". Would our eyes meet for the first time in a crowded room and then we connect moments later in a dark corner? NO, it's not going to happen. If someone was following on the street shopping or through the mall, am I going to duck into the corner and make it happen? NO. Is it possible that I'm at lounge/bar and there's a good amount of time spent in conversation, we're connecting and my bits are contacting and moist? YES, it's happened!
By Leilani [Ignore] 09,Sep,16 10:49
Heyhey thanx bella!! You're so nice.

When your bits are contacting did you really mean your bits are contracting?

Who thought of saying bits, the English? I bet they started that slang word.

I'm glad you had that good experience!

What do you like to drink when you go out?
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Sep,16 09:12
Yes, twitch, spasm, etc.....

I'm a cheap date, I like beer and wine! 🍷🍺
By Leilani [Ignore] 27,Sep,16 04:06
Cute little pictures!

Thank you!

And your all-time favorite wine?

By veryshyguy [Ignore] 09,Sep,16 16:05
Don't worry about the answers, the way most of them are worded makes no sense. Most of the questions I have answered were stupid, I usually do what bella does and say no even when there may be times I would have said yes. Don't read to much into these questions, I do take much from them about the way the question is answered by any person!

Take care!

By #7976 [Ignore] 07,Sep,16 16:49
No matter what you answer to the questions it's all for fun.

Some folks here tell nothing but the truth. Others like to see the reactions of others to their comments and responses irresponsible of their validity.

As far as the Question of the Day...don't worry about what others think. As for me, I don't think anyone on this site is a bitch and certainly not for dating a married man/woman. Although the question itself may seam very narrow, it leaves a lot of room for interpretation.

I don't go on dates with women who aren't my wife; married or not. However, I work with many women and travel extensively. When I'm on the road I have absolutely no issues with going out in the evening with a female coworker. No sex, just spending an evening with someone rather than watching bad TV all night.

If I go out with either a woman or man I tell my wife about it and if she were ever worried about it all she has to do is confront me and/or contact them. As it is, neither of us is particularly jealous and we trust each other implicitly.
By the way, that works in reverse as well. I trust her to know her limits with other men as well.

There's a certain point where going out with a coworker to socialize becomes a relationship and we're both able to recognize that point and stop it before it goes too far.

So, if you said you'd date a married man, so what. Your a normal lady, I do love your photos, and I would like to get to know you...married, single, or any other communal status. In the end. Don't give your response another thought.
By Leilani [Ignore] 09,Sep,16 10:39
Hey, thanks for your response!
I found out a lotta interesting things about you from your
post and here it is!

OK, you obviously have an ax to grind with me. However, my reaction may not be what you expect. Firstly, I don't mind constructive criticism and yours is no exception. The only thing that criticism accomplishes is making me rethink, reevaluate, and possibly change my mind about what I've said. So, bully for you and your commentary.

Now, regarding your comments:

“Claims”… I never thought of making claims as I simply make truthful statements and comments. If you’re interested, I’m married for 30 years to a wonderful woman, have two grown daughters, spent 10 years in the Navy w/2 South East Asia tours, am a pilot, run sled dogs, am a semi-professional photographer, and drive race cars at Bonneville and on road courses. I suppose those are my claims! And yes, I am indeed a writer, training developer, and voice talent.

I've been a technical writer for over 30 years and have published in excess of 3000 publications...most of them proprietary so don't rush out and visit your local book store. Unless you've got a fairly high Government security clearance or are into now "vintage" computer SW/HW you'll never find them. And because they deal primarily with PhD-level topics that were cutting edge at the time, you probably couldn't understand them. And, don't take that as a bad thing. PhD's in other fields can't understand the writings of PhD's in different fields. Smarts or intelligence isn't a factor. By the way, I have written a couple of commercial books on dog training but they were published in Europe so if you get a chance to use all your languages perhaps you can find them there.

One of the benefits of being a technical writer is that you have technical and copy editors that do a lot of the detail work before publication. I respect their contribution immensely as it leaves me able to wax technical without worry about doing things other than run spell checkers...an admittedly bad way to check documents. So, thanks for pulling out a couple of errors in my writing. Indeed...you’re a copy editor.

Yes, I do live south of San Jose...near San Francisco as you know since you’re from SF itself. I don’t provide the exact location as that’s not in our comfort window so SF is as good as it gets and we’re still considered to be in the Bay Area. By the way, I’m duly impressed that you’re a “Straight Male” from SF however you say you’re interested in both so I interpret it to mean you’re actually Bisexual. Not a bad thing at all but more understandable from a SF citizen although as indicated by your Oak Leaf Avatar you must be a Canadian citizen. Correct?

And lastly, I do not like the look of people who shave themselves slick. If you go back in time to the mid-to-late ‘70s you’ll see that the shaved look became popular in culture. Perhaps it was kickback from the bushy-look of the Hippie era but up till then it was unpopular to say the least. In my opinion, and it is my opinion, puberty removes the hairless look in order to protect the genitals from a physiological perspective and indicate that males and females are post pubescent and breedable from an anthropological perspective. If one is attracted to the prepubescent look it implies they are fond of what today’s society believes to have leanings towards an immoral and **** fascination. If you like the smooth shaven look…that’s your decision. However, for myself, having that appreciation makes an individual have ****philic leanings. That applies to men or women. Sorry you don’t agree but I like a mature woman who doesn’t shave more than what’s outwardly visible. OK…enough said.

I believe that covers your comments. And, perhaps it provides some explanation that is though provoking. If you don’t agree with my postulations, then put it in your mental database and use them to see other sides of these topics. Much as I will with your comments.

Be well sinanff47.


From lovely bella!'s bloggum.

Dog trainer?

I like Chihuahuas, Huskies, Samoyeds, and Collies.
Which do you like?
By Leilani [Ignore] 09,Sep,16 10:41
And the reason I posted what you wrote was to let you know, I know some things about you already! I bet you didn't know I knew! (You mentioned "getting to know you".)


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