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Peyronie´s Disease

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By eugen [Ignore] 29,Oct,16 07:26   Pageviews: 410

A painful problem for my cock.

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By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Oct,16 05:35
Haha. You're not alone. Mine isn't painful but if you look at my photos older than a year it's nice and straight. In the last year it has developed a curve that is liked by lots but my cock looks smaller. My cock sucking friends have no problem with it.
This is a self diagnosed problem. I'll have to take some before and after erection photos to my doctor.
By eugen [Ignore] 01,Nov,16 16:28
It is not a self diagnosed. I take some erection photos to my doctor. December i have the nex meeting with him.Thankyou for your reply
By Raypark [Ignore] 02,Sep,21 13:43
So, was it confirmed as Peyronie’s?
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Sep,21 14:19
It is now but the problem is minimal so nothing will be done about it. It can still be sucked!
By Raypark [Ignore] 07,Sep,21 16:48
So true, and your new acquired curve is so sexy
By kebmo [Ignore] 07,Sep,21 23:35
That’s with the guys tell me!

By eugen [Ignore] 23,Nov,18 17:33
Ich habe nun seit über 6 monaten ca. 85° grad verkrümmung. Häufig nachts, und nach dem sex habe ich schmerzen. Ich lasse mich darum anfang januar operieren, ich hoffe es klappt alles. Demnächst bin ich hier also ohne vorhaut vertreten.

Over 6 month i have 85 degrees. In the night i have pain and after sex. In january become my cock a operation and i lost my forskin.

By Raypark [Ignore] 09,Apr,18 09:35
Not a fun situation to be in, I got the same about 3 years ago. Yours is mildly curved compared to mine. It took close to a year before I was able to see a world reknown ulogolist who specializes in peyronies. Was referred to another urologist, was not happy with him and demanded this other Doctor, thank god as he was going to make matters worst, good thing I did research on my own.
I was 71/4" before my cock bent, ended up 51/2" after. First time I bent 45 degrees and six months later bent to a total of 75 degrees, couldn't penetrate anymore for intercouse. Three months after consulting the specialist I demanded, I'm bent about only about 15 degrees now and getting back up in length, I'm 6". I was told I could possibly regain the length entirely if I continued treatment diligently, but had to stop for other health reasons temporarily, all this with the use of a medication and a special penis stretcher. If you want more info or want to discuss this subject any, I'll be glad to respond.

By #514830 [Ignore] 02,Nov,16 07:27
I guess it's painful when you get hard

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