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My disturbing mind.

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By southsidestud [Ignore] 10,Feb,17 09:00   Pageviews: 772

I like to think of myself as a wonderful person. I am kind to all and I can at least say that no matter what my iintentions are always good. I am however disturbed by my aging and yet I still get turned on by an unpopular scenario. I had a boyfriend who is 24 now and I started dating him when he was 18. We aren't together now but he and I still have amazing sex once in awhile. Well he is a unique boy. I say boy because nobody believes he is even 18. When I take his clot he's off and look at his slender body and shaved all over I get so freaking hard. I love it when he isn't hard. He looks like a teen. We often role play and I pretend I'm his uncle or his friends dad or something. I would never play with young boy but i still feel that I am horrible for getting off with him. I don't know how to feel about it. I do know that if I had kids I'd kill anybody that tried to mess with them. I would

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By ubob4me [Ignore] 11,Sep,18 16:39
To only view slight smooth men as being young boys is actually insulting to a multitude of grown men (esp asian) across the world. This is a western/caucasian bias. So, stop worrying about it, and enjoy.

By cfan2 [Ignore] 04,Apr,18 06:52
Nothing disturbing at all about it. Thin, hairless men are gorgeous!

By #460523 [Ignore] 15,Feb,18 20:18
I have a disturbing mind too

By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Feb,18 08:01
Enjoy it!! I've had three regular friends (in their 30's) who call me Daddy. I LOVE it! "Oh Daddy I missed your cock in my mouth...Daddy will you cum in my mouth tonight?...Daddy will you spank my bum if I'm bad?" There's nothing wrong with that kind of talk between two ADULTS.

By #4617 [Ignore] 25,Dec,17 11:22
Nothing wrong with a younger guy if he wants it too

By #463848 [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 12:17
We all have fantasies but you have the ability to keep within the law so don't pull yourself down just because your legal guy looks ****.

By fancyabit [Ignore] 20,Dec,17 15:54
You are one honest guy! and that makes you very very sexy indeed! Role play is absolutely fine, as long as it’s all legal, and I can see in your case it definitely Is!! Enjoy while you can

By pifad [Ignore] 10,Feb,17 15:28
You're a sexy guy. He's 18 therefore legally an adult. I'd say go for it if he's interested.
By #172995 [Ignore] 26,Jun,17 11:45

By #507704 [Ignore] 05,Jun,17 15:45
You said he is 24 now, you have gr8 sex. So, just enjoy each other.

By #525094 [Ignore] 06,Mar,17 12:57
Nothing wrong with role play as long as everyone is 18 or over. I love it

By Raypark [Ignore] 19,Feb,17 07:55
Love and attraction has no age, but do make sure the other is of legal age. There are an abundance number of couples with 20, 30, and even more age difference, and it doesn't matter to them if they click !!!! Enjoy love and lust

By #221574 [Ignore] 17,Feb,17 22:43
Nothing wrong with a little fantasy play.

By #514830 [Ignore] 10,Feb,17 23:29
Maybe look at him as more of a person then just his body. Look beyond his body. Have sex with the person, not just his body. Because we all are getting older

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