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By small63 [Ignore] 15,Feb,17 16:15   Pageviews: 247

Wanking-Masturbation... I discovered the pleasure of playing with my cock, wanking when I was about 9-10yrs. of age. When I was a young Lad the moral teaching concerning touching your privates, {Masturbation} was described as a "Shameful Act". But I didn't let that deterred me from enjoying my cock.. Anyway a lot of water,[err CUM ] has flowed under the bridge since those boy hood days.. Even thought my cock maybe considered as being Small, but over the years is has been the best "Wanking" partner.. {Your Comments are Welcome}

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By #144674 [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 20:48
Hi , My life was very similar to yours , started about the same age snapped my fren. at 12 that slowed me down for a while at 14 we used to go up the country with a fellow 8yrs older than me and he used to enjoy him wanking us . If I had my time over I'd go exactly the same way and enjoy it the same as I still do .
By small63 [Ignore] 26,Sep,20 01:31
hard68>> Thanks for your comment, much appreciated.. Most interesting in regards to your boyhood.. Back then it sure was a different world how us young boys discovered their cock's and the passion for Masturbation..
By #463848 [Ignore] 20,Jul,22 08:41
It was an older one who showed me about wanking and we did each other. I have always got his image available in my memory and the great amount of spunk he produced after 20 mins of rubbing his dick. I can still hear his voice telling me, "its coming now". Happy days, never to be recaptured except in discussion.

By #662776 [Ignore] 09,Mar,22 15:20
Started wanking at 11/12 and have loved the act and pleasure since then. Nice to find a wank buddy.

By #536438 [Ignore] 16,Mar,18 06:45
My sex ed class talked about masturbation so I tried it I have been jacking off since I love yanking on my little dick. when I went impotent it made my little dick more sensitive when I come awesome orgasms and sensation in my little dick. I don't even use my boner pills anymore.Love to cum
By small63 [Ignore] 16,Mar,18 23:22
Impotent.. Thanks for your open comments. I still enjoy masturbating my small cock.. Would Love to meet-up with another guy who has a small Penis so as to enjoy each others company with Chats and mutual masturbation.. Impotent, it would be nice to take your little dick in hand and cause that dick of yours to Cum..
By #612379 [Ignore] 17,Dec,20 03:25
i see this is an old post, but i gotta say i agree, small softies are my fav, and i the same... i only get a lil bigger with a pill. good to hear you like natural. i hope your still around so we can chat or something

By dicklick4u [Ignore] 02,Jan,20 02:18
i wish i was your'd never have to worry about being horny i'd service you daily.
By small63 [Ignore] 02,Jan,20 02:49
dicklick4u... That would be wonderful.. I can only dream you are >>
By dicklick4u [Ignore] 02,Jan,20 02:51
right?? at least we can dream hahahahah

By #552950 [Ignore] 17,Dec,19 13:25
I too started young and have been wanking ever since, it is so much fun, have wanked other guys, love to find a wanking partner some day
By small63 [Ignore] 18,Dec,19 04:16
Mikey61.. Thanks for your input.. Can you reveal what was your approx. age when you first actually discovered the pleasures of Wanking.??>>>>> Always nice to be able to find that compatible male friend who also like to share the enjoyment of Masturbation activities..
By #552950 [Ignore] 20,Dec,19 14:49
Ooh, difficult one, I must have been pre teen, 11 or 12 maybe

By #554032 [Ignore] 04,Dec,19 21:57
A freind showed me how to masturbate, he was a bit older then me. Been doin it ever since. Ive done it with other guys.I do it while the wife watches and does herself
By small63 [Ignore] 12,Dec,19 16:30
cmsdude..Thanks for your comment. I am curious how old was your friend and of course yourself.?
By #554032 [Ignore] 12,Dec,19 21:48
He was14 me 11. I didnt cum the first time. It then lead to him sucking me and showing me how to suck his cock. We did this for a few years i learnt how to cum

By #572818 [Ignore] 04,Mar,19 07:13
Well I can agree that about 10 or 11 I started to wank. I remember my first time was in the bath in view of my parents. Simply unaware as to what would occur. I'm sure my dad saw and he said nothing. Thanks DAD.
By small63 [Ignore] 09,Jul,19 20:07
Funtime56.. Thanks for your input about the subject. I can relate to your comment as a similar experience happen to me with my Mum. She caught me masturbating, but was very Gracious about the matter.

By #210638 [Ignore] 15,Aug,17 22:00
I have stroked my small cock since about 10 also, I love the feeling just before and right at climax! So special

By Pistonbroke [Ignore] 02,Mar,17 10:27
With the bullshit religious teaching we were exposed to as kids, it's a wonder we are not more fucked up than we are!

By #507704 [Ignore] 18,Feb,17 19:54
Started at about 10, my 4skin has been my best friend

By #514830 [Ignore] 15,Feb,17 22:57
I started about 11. Been hooked ever since

By brian2 [Ignore] 15,Feb,17 16:51
I agree. When I was at school in England many, many years ago my sex-education lesson was "If you touch it, it will fall off". I took no notice.

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