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Abstaining from orgasm

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By 4everanedger [Ignore] 21,May,17 12:46   Pageviews: 314

I have reached 15 days with no orgasm. That is the longest I've gone since puberty.

What's your longest and why?

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By jizzbits [Ignore] 17,Nov,19 09:55
I like to edge and postpone my O for as long as possible. 5 to 6 days. I find prostate stimulation and estim without ejaculation very intense and more of a full body orgasm. Prefer to save my semen release for a very intense fucking or sucking and love making.

By #518391 [Ignore] 03,Sep,19 10:30
I can't go for more than 4-5 days without a shoot-off, preferably at least every other day, daily if I;m super-horny
By 4everanedger [Ignore] 04,Sep,19 14:14
Lol, I jerk off at least twice a day, could cum multiple times but prefer to wait longer.

By #533644 [Ignore] 20,Jun,17 20:57
2 months. Military boot camp.
By #568640 [Ignore] 28,Oct,18 21:39
Um I’d be cumming in my pants if I was there! How did you do that?!

By Marc12345 [Ignore] 13,May,18 15:08
About 21 days longest
By 4everanedger [Ignore] 13,May,18 15:26
How did it feel when you finally busted?
By Marc12345 [Ignore] 13,May,18 15:46
Not so much cum as I expected, but felt pretty good!

By #339203 [Ignore] 04,Dec,17 23:38
My current streak is 145 days without masturbating to orgasm.. however still have sex once a week (sometimes more depending on how I'm going..)
By 4everanedger [Ignore] 05,Dec,17 01:35
Is that sex to orgasm?

By #485312 [Ignore] 22,May,17 01:48
l had to go for an entire year without coming, its the mother of invention though, learnt more about my body in the year, than my entire life and increased my sensitivities in other areas because of it.. not something ld like to do again *lix*
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 22,May,17 15:49
4 months is my record.
By #363802 [Ignore] 25,Jun,17 03:24

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