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tried golden shower

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By virrgin [Ignore] 10,Jun,17 22:56   Pageviews: 142

i peed on myself to see what people liked about getting peed on and if its actually exciting buuuuuuuuuuut i almost vomited as soon as my pee hit my face i tried to keep going but i couldnt.....

if you have been involved in a golden shower can you share your experience too

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By furluvr [Ignore] 18,Aug,22 10:32
Yeah, not my thing either, though most of my friends are into it….

By #522105 [Ignore] 29,Jul,17 20:43
i tried when i was a teenager since i cant stop

By #516202 [Ignore] 06,Jul,17 19:03
Once I tried to suck it and succeeded without any problem

By smallcockboy [Ignore] 12,Jun,17 12:49
It's supposed to be someone that you are hot for, not your own pee. Thats kinda sick.
By virrgin [Ignore] 13,Jun,17 23:59
golden shower is for those who get turned on by getting peed on doesnt have to be someone that they like
By smallcockboy [Ignore] 22,Jun,17 09:07
I love golden showers but I am particular from whom.

By #533563 [Ignore] 16,Jun,17 19:39
Did you at least finish? Maybe you should've waited til the end. It's a mood thing for most people and it really does matter if you are into the person also if there is another person there. I tried it with my wife for the first time not too long ago and it was hot. We both enjoyed it. Not just because we liked being peed on, but because we are into each other and like to explore. I know that if a random person peed on me there would be problems. Try it with someone that you are into and maybe have a shot or two to lower those inhibitions.

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