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Anal insertions

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By marine85 [Ignore] 01,Jul,17 14:33   Pageviews: 120

These are things that I have inserted into myself. Anal play is not something I do regularly, but I have explored this deeply over the years. Some of these items are NOT recommended to be used, but must be included in my list as they were used by me.

Insertion items;

Perfume/cologne bottle

Foam ball

Racquet ball


Small dildo

Large dildo

12 inch long double end dildo


Eggs (raw and boiled)





Small squash

Hammer handle (8 inches long)

Hair brush handle

Baseball bat (both ends)

Bed post

Glass baby food jar *DO NOT USE*

Bottles (varying sizes)

Plastic cups

Small spray cans

Candles (lit and unlit, various sizes)

Soda can

Cane handle

The glans of my own cock

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By #533644 [Ignore] 02,Jul,17 14:38
Quite the list. Out of your list, I've used carrots and a 7 inch vibrator. I've also used, a hair brush, a golf club, a toothbrush, a long handled scrubbing brush, and a paper towel holder which had a rounded bulb like end. I have not taken anything over an inch or so in diameter. Have tried things up to about 3 inches or so in diameter, but to no avail, no matter how much lube I use. Have seen guys on line that can take a soda can and it goes right in. Don't know how they do it. It's like being able to suck your own dick, something I wish I could do, but know I can't.
By #491253 [Ignore] 02,Jul,17 15:38
I have to say that I have never tried anal insertions but I have to admire you both for happily pleasuring yourselves in your own way, and for sharing it with us. Quite often you feel that you are the only person in the world who carries out a certain foible but discover, probably on this site, that there are many others.
By marine85 [Ignore] 23,Jul,17 16:41
Exactly, which is why I have chosen to share things here.
By marine85 [Ignore] 23,Jul,17 16:48
I feel the same way about wishing I could suck my own dick, unfortunately its not in the cards for me. As for the insertions, you have yo work your way up to larger items. Being relaxed and working your way up to larger things goes along way. Just like the guys who can take a soda can or large bottle, they had to work at stretching their ass. In time you will be able to do it too.

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