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Curious to read others' comments on this 'activity':
/rate_images.php ...Or this one works the same and is just as good: /wander.php You're given two images to compare. You pick the one that appeals to you more. Once you've chosen, you're given two more, and so on. I just chose rapidly without analyzing why I picked one over the other. Some picks were clear-cut, sometimes I got two that were a toss-up, so I just picked the 'better' one.. lol After awhile, you'll start seeing a pattern to your picks. I think it adds some clarity about what personally turns me on ...or off.. and interestingly also about why. To make up a taxonomy of cock photo attributes.. all of the variables in a photo.. I wonder what/how many categories you'd need to include.. How do we automatically weigh these attributes one against the other to select A or B? For instance, I'm personally rarely turned on by butt shots cummy limp dicks pantyhose .. but I DO rank highly... thick pubic hair hairy bellies happy trails pit hair a nipple included in the shot If even a part of a face is included, my sexual interest goes way up. Or any kind of a 'personalizing' cue, like a ring on a finger or a physical location cue. How do we almost subconsciously weigh all the pluses and minuses to decide if we want linger longer over.. and maybe even jack off with a given photo or not? The idea fascinates me. Anyone else?? Give this a try and leave comments! Curious to see what happens... |
Obwohl, eigentlich kann ich das gar nicht so genau festlegen. Mich turnt am Meisten die Ästhetik eines Bildes an (oder ab). Es kommt mir darauf an, das der Kerl das was er hat gut rüberzubringen weiß. Das hat nicht nur mit Ästhetik zu tun, sondern auch sehr viel mit Selbstbewußtsein.
Ob der Kerl auf dem Foto 18 oder 80, ob sein Schwanz 10 oder 30 cm groß ist, spielt dabei für mich keine Rolle.
Yes, I agree with you write about seeing very different levels of self-awareness in men's photo collections.
Like you, what excites me is getting an intimate peek into a man's sexual mindscape by absorbing how he chooses to present himself visually.
In short, some consciously lay bare for us their own fantasies of sexual allure, whereas others are at the level of documenting body parts.
One pattern is images that are actively sexual, either couples or individuals. For some reason I get turned on by images of women with their hands in their panties. I think anticipation, or flirty flashing, the attenuation of arousal, is something I crave.
Penetration shots get to me too, close ups of pussy or ass either just prior to or in the midst of entry. I’m turned on by passion happening and arousal revealed. I like frotting images, and women giving handjobs. Some blowjob images, but tasteful.
So what makes my gaze linger? The main response I have tonight is arousal, obtuse like a swollen cock or oblique like stiff nipples held fast by teeth and lips. Half-aroused cocks are beautiful because they are like a promise on the way to being kept but with plenty still ahead. A woman touching herself is a lot like that too...
I guess it's like looking at a photo of someone's eyes that are quite dilated. Psychologists say we respond longer and more strongly to dilated eyes than to small pupils.
...although some small dicks grab my attention, too...
...but if there's a hard one standing straight up next to that...
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