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Friend to Friend With Benefits

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By thebeewolf [Ignore] 08,Aug,17 19:36   Pageviews: 164

How do you seduce a friend into becoming a friend with benefits?

That's the task before me. I'm not super close with Liz. But we hang in some of the same social circles. Such that I often end up spending Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve with her. Every couple of months we end up going out for dinner with a bunch of other friends. Sometimes I even housesit for her when she's on vacation. We've known each other for about 4-5 years. And for all that time I've wanted to fuck her.

There were two times when Liz and I kissed. The first time I walked her to her car and just kind of moved in for the kill. Not a big deal. The second time, she offered to give me a ride home and we kissed in the car for a minute or two before I got out. So it's not like there has been no interest. But nothing more came of it.

Until this last Christmas. I woke up Christmas morning after having spend the previous evening with her and a bunch of other friends. I texted her from bed. I said that we should totally be having sex, she and I, because we're both single and we're attracted to each other. Besides which, neither of us want a partner. We're quite fine doing our own thing. That's where the FWB part comes in. It fits us rather well. She said I made her day, whatever that meant.

So I let it ride for a few more months. Then a few weeks ago she called me up. She was going through some personal shit. We talked for a long time. And I brought it up again. I was quite explicit. I told her that I wanted to tug off her clothes and go down on her and get her off really good. And more. She agreed that we should do it.

And now I'm to the point where I'm offering to bring over a bottle of wine so we can watch the sunset in her backyard this coming Friday night. She hasn't said yes. Or no. So we'll see. And in truth, I'm not sure I would press her to really do it on Friday. But make out a little and maybe give her cute little butt a squeeze? Yeah, I would shoot for that.

Wish me luck, everyone!

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By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 30,Aug,17 17:08
Just do not take advantage of some bad time in her life. She will always link you with that bad time. Yo then may never get back between those legs.

Might take a risk and ask her what she thinks about that type of thing. Do it in context of something you just saw or some scene in some move but make it as real as possible.

If she goes blank and says no way then you are dead mostly. If she says nothing you will need to broach the topic again at some later time.

Just make sure you are not sounding like you are **** it on her. Be careful of the approach like kissing her on the cheek or neck or a careful breast touch type thing.

No two women will respond to this request the same so you will need to do it and then LISTEN with everything you have to her reply what ever it is.

If you two have been together for a long time you may be stuck in the friend zone for ever!

You could just go for it some evening after a couple of drinks (not drunk for sure) and see what happenes.

This could be the end of a real good relationship for certain. So becareful! You could loose a very good friend! The big question for any guy (and we all know we all want to **** with every girl we know) are you really that horny!

Good luck! If it works out it can be the most fun in the world next to a permanent couple thing! Oh by the way why not just go for the couple thing???

By stroker11 [Ignore] 09,Aug,17 07:58
She may be tired of waiting????
By thebeewolf [Ignore] 09,Aug,17 12:44
You might be right!

By #485312 [Ignore] 08,Aug,17 21:30
good luck *lix*

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