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By xander69 [Ignore] 18,Nov,17 16:20   Pageviews: 151

Shall I get myself circumcised?

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By Circuit [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 12:26
Yes! Circumcise that beautiful penis!

By #440300 [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 18:00
Yes, of course, if you want to. I was circumcised as an adult and love it.

By mywusch [Ignore] 14,Feb,20 11:03
please no

By #536058 [Ignore] 23,Nov,17 08:08
Your foreskin seems to tighten more and more, maybe you should be circumcised.
I had a long foreskin like you who would tighten, and I was circumcised 5 years ago, I do not regret it at all, quite the contrary

By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Nov,17 02:27
That's a question that you have to answer yourself, not ask strangers.

By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 20,Nov,17 07:37
NO! Dont do that!

By dura2000 [Ignore] 19,Nov,17 17:42
I love that I was circumcised as a baby, I prefer the look of a circumcised cock myself.

By #437938 [Ignore] 19,Nov,17 12:58
I was circumcised as infant. I wish I hadn't been. It would be so nice to play with my foreskin if I had it. I understand that it keeps the glands more sensitive.

By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 18,Nov,17 18:46
But then you can't play with your foreskin!

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