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V.I.O.L.E.N.C.E against Women

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By 42pupasmurfblue60 [Ignore] 14,Feb,18 19:14   Pageviews: 64

V.I.O.L.E.N.C.E against women should not and can not be tolerated and It should be reported

If a work colleague or boss come`s up from behind and puts his hand in your pants , that's sexual assault,If the boss asked you to come into his or hers office and tells you that you have to keep her or him happy sexually that's sexual harassment and if the boss asks you to come into his office and bend over his desk so he can penetrate you that's R.A.P.E . don't mistake compliance with consent !!! asking if he could have sex with you and you agreeing is consent. not asking and just doing it to you is compliance and R.A.P.E its the same as taking a knife and putting to ones throat and threatening to hurt them if they didn't spread there legs for you. If you know of any one who may be a victim of this then you should speak up and stop it even if you like the attention,it takes one person to be strong and speak up it may seem that your alone but after you make a stand you would be surprised at how many others will stand by you and say it happened to me too. do it for others and do it because its the right thing to do, and the real s.e.c.r.e.t is that every body knows its just there keeping their mouths shut and we all have a moral duty to stop all the Harvey Weinstein in the world. any thing that's consensual is fine like in B.D.S.M relation ships.

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By 2pierced [Ignore] 28,Jul,18 06:16
I totally agree with you!

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