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First experiences

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 10,Mar,18 08:54   Pageviews: 174

I have been reading some blogs about men's first experiences with other men. It surprised me how young so many were!

I am starting to realise i had a very secluded upbringing!

Certainly on the sexual side of life.

Sex wasn't mentioned at home, and the school education on sex was practical. I didn't even know you could enjoy sex, it seemed like a task you did to have ****,that's it!

And men having sex with eachother; i was in my teens before i knew that happened! And for years i wondered how that happened! What did they do? I just couldn't get that, but i sure was thinking about it! I wish now i had somebody around then to show me.

And altough i was curious i was to shy to really go out and look for the answers, oh yeah i did work up the courage to buy some gay porn magazines ,so at least then i knew how it was done

Now i am over 50 of age and i have just decided to not only watch gay porn but actually experience it!

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By #532695 [Ignore] 11,Mar,18 19:11
I think a lot of guys experimented with each other when they were young, but outside the ones you were messing with, it wasn't mentioned. At least in my time and place. So no surprise you weren't aware; you were just unlucky.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 14,Mar,18 05:33
I am sure it happened,yes! Guess you are right i was just unlucky nobody introduced me to it

By pifad [Ignore] 10,Mar,18 23:41
I think you should go out and experience as much as you like. Shame we aren’t closer, Im sure we’d have fun
By up-for-it [Ignore] 11,Mar,18 03:16
The experimenting has started,still online, but the seeds for meeting men have been planted

By up-for-it [Ignore] 10,Mar,18 08:56
The word that got censored is c h i l d r e n

I get why it got censored

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