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Am I Paranoid?

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 21,Mar,18 17:57   Pageviews: 74

Or is everyone getting cold feet?

I have been setting up some meetings/ dates with guys lately here in Belgium,but so far no luck!

They cancel at the last minute with some good reason and the question to set a new date.

If this happened once or twice i wouldn't worry but.... it just keeps happening! Are they all getting cold feet at the last moment and make up an excuse?

What do you think?

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By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Mar,18 05:35
This might help. It's a blog story about how to meet guys on Craigslist from my profile. Check it out and see if it helps. I hope it does. www.showyourdick.org/blogs/33992.html
By up-for-it [Ignore] 22,Mar,18 05:43
Thanks, but Craigslist isn't used much in Belgium, but i found a similar site that has gotten me some contacts
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Mar,18 05:58
Read it anyway, it's good advice about meeting people on line. Good luck!!
By up-for-it [Ignore] 22,Mar,18 07:07
I did read it, i found it a couple of days ago! It is good advice!

By #460523 [Ignore] 21,Mar,18 21:21
yea I have got cold feet a lot of times chickened out a few times
By up-for-it [Ignore] 22,Mar,18 05:13
So did you meet later or was it over for you?

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