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By up-for-it [Ignore] 23,Mar,18 14:17   Pageviews: 72

I learned about this amazing site from someone on a dating site,that's good right?

But there is one thing about that site that bothers me!

These young sexy guys keep sending me requests and telling how interresting i am! Why would that bother me? I hear you think!

Yes i do hear you think! So mind what you are thinking!

Well i will tell you why that bothers me: the next thing they do is ask me for my email. Do they think i am that stupid?

Look there is an older guy he won't be able to resist a sexy young man let's ask his email and send him spam, junkmail or worse virusses!

And to make matters worse, they don't even show me their dick, can you believe that?They should at least do that for my email right?

All i can say to those sexy young men is you are not getting my email!!!

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