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Feeling miserable!

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 17,Jun,18 07:53   Pageviews: 62

In an earlier blog i talked about a guy that dissapaered on me and i read a blog about a guy who just lost his dog.

That made me think of all the dogs i lost and now i am totally feeling down!

Chheer me up guys and girls!

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By pifad [Ignore] 18,Jun,18 11:31
By up-for-it [Ignore] 18,Jun,18 11:44
Thanks my friend!

By #532695 [Ignore] 17,Jun,18 21:42
Focus on the time you got to spend with your canine friends. Sounds like it was a blessing to you.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 18,Jun,18 11:30
They have been a blessing to me,it's hard to find a better friend than a loyal dog!

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