I remember as a little b o y i always said i would never get married.
As kids we say lots of things but growing up things change and as an adult you laugh about some of the things you said as a c h i l d
I never got married, never had a "relationship" not with a woman or man. Friendships that was all i seem to manage!
Dispite of what people expected or said would happen; lots of people said i would end-up in a relationship,no way around that, no one is made to live alone and all that!
And i admit: at some point i did think i would start a relationship with someone, but it never happened
It never felt right for me, and i don't regret it
I don't feel i missed out on something
I still don't feel the need for it
Don't i feel lonely, some ask me?
Yes i do sometimes, but people in a relationship feel that way too sometimes
Wouldn't it make my life easier sometimes?
Yes i am sure it would at times
Still i think the way i lived my life so far is the right way for me and probably will be for the rest of my life
And although i often say i'd rather regret things i've done than things i haven't done.
Never having a relationship? No regrets there! |
My regrets mostly have to do with being too fearful or hesitant to take some kind of exciting risk that I really wanted to take. And so the opportunity passed me by.
Take opportunities for sex, for example.. sigh..
I've let a few of those slip by due to fear and overthinking...
But now i grab every chance i get... or i create it!
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