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What will it take for me to get more love on this site?

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By ChineseSausage [Ignore] 12,Sep,18 04:58   Pageviews: 85

I really enjoy being here, and taking pics of my rock hard cock. I know it's not the biggest on here but I just love the idea people judge my cock. I'd really like more comments or something. Anybody with suggestions or tips to help me get more views?

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By #551147 [Ignore] 13,Sep,18 02:29
I apologize for what I'm gonna say, and I mean it with all respect. BUT! My first post to you, I hadn't checked your profile out. Now that I have, I wanted to add one more lil itty bitty tiny piece of my observation for you. Your listed as "STRAIGHT" which is fine. But, I would venture to say that 90% OR greater here, are MEN. Many guys won't comment or leave feedback on a "STRAIGHT" guys pics or post for fear of being blacklisted. Once again, good luck!

By #551147 [Ignore] 13,Sep,18 02:20
Great advice Bella! I've always recommended that people get out. "Like" others photos, blogs, etc. Answer some poll questions, place yourself in the banner, try a few games. YOU have to get out there to get noticed. There are way too many people here to just sit idly. I'm astounded almost daily when I stumble upon someone that's been on the site for years. Yet I've never seen them. And believe me you, I'm quite active. Just check my activity meter. Anyway, get out there and show some love and get some in return. Good Luck! 😘
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Sep,18 02:27
Ha! You and I are on the same page with regard to this and just one minute apart with our posts (my second post). I'm not sure how our posts will be received, que sera sera...

Looks like out of the 22 members that have read this, only you and I thought enough to provide a response. Thank you for your support, Scorpio69!

By bella! [Ignore] 13,Sep,18 02:21
I'm not trying to embarrass you in any respect but I do have to call you out on this matter. You want to know how you can get more love, why not show some love?

Do you ever acknowledge any attention that you do get? I have my suspicions that you don't so I am only going to address today and my take away with my interaction with you. I took the opportunity to respond to your blog with my suggestions. Apparently you saw my post and decided to visit my profile to see who-in-the-hell responded. You went to all that trouble but didn't even say "thanks" either by private message or just by using the "Reply" option in lower right corner.

Just my opinion, you get back what you put in. Want some love? Show some love and I think that you might be pleasantly surprised with the outcome. Take care!

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Sep,18 05:34
I have suggested this before and I stand behind my recommendation......surely you must look at the pictures uploaded by the other SYD members, no? When you see something that you like, that catches your attention, try it.

Diversify your profile, try some butt shots, shots that showcase your balls, post some softies, etc.

Maybe you could even post that you will give members a prize if the friend you, comment on your pictures or add your picture to their favorites. Hey, it sounds desperate but apparently it works.

Whatever you do, I do hope you achieve the results that you are hoping for. Best of luck to you.

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