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If you were getting a new tattoo, what would it show?

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By Leilani [Ignore] 02,Oct,18 03:15   Pageviews: 74

I would get the state of California all in colors with no black ink with San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco indicated on it as accurately as possible.

I'd get a palm tree all done in colors only, no black ink.

Maybe an ocean wave on a beach.

Chinese characters or Japanese Kanji saying: "Sex And Love." Probably in red ink. Red's my favorite color.

All tattoos would be done on my back.

What would you get done, even in fantasy?

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By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jun,23 01:52
I am ratio free. I’ve thought about it and I would only
get a Canadian flag tattoo. 🇨🇦

By Jakestheman [Ignore] 28,Jul,20 07:53
Welcome Aboard! Please clean up after yourself, thank you! tattooed on my dick, lengthwise

By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 07,Nov,19 03:52
Since you are so crazy about maps and adore them, I can see you getting a map tattoo.
I'm surprised you didn't say a big city skyline. Your favorite thing in all the universe.

By #584079 [Ignore] 02,Apr,19 16:04
I think a queen of speeds that you fuck only bbc

By #7976 [Ignore] 18,Jan,19 17:56
Frankly...I wouldn't get a tattoo. As a Navy veteran I've traveled all over the world and somehow never had the urge to get one. I don't mind them on others, in fact, my daughter has a beautiful tattoo. That being said, if I were to get one, it would probably be an old-school "Navy Anchor, Shield, and Trident' on my upper bicep where it shows strength and pride in service.

By #564825 [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 04:05
A bandaid on my cock head. An “owie” needing attention and a kiss.
By Leilani [Ignore] 11,Nov,18 10:12
That's creative!

And thank you s'much for the gifts, Arkie!

By #568832 [Ignore] 07,Oct,18 06:34
I have always wanted a tattoo of my favourite Fender Stratocaster guitar. Maybe one day I will go for it .
By Leilani [Ignore] 13,Oct,18 21:29
Please come back to Show It!
By #545362 [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 16:08
Then we can strum it ?

By nekekal [Ignore] 02,Oct,18 11:55
I don't know. If I knew, I would get a tattoo. I thought about it but just don't know. Maybe "fuck" written down my cock, but that seems too painful.
By Leilani [Ignore] 07,Oct,18 00:49
I like it!
It's to the "point"!
A conversation starter, maybe?
Or would you rather somebody down there reading it NOT talk with their mouth full?
By nekekal [Ignore] 07,Oct,18 01:07
Lol. It just seems so painful, and I would need to keep it hard while the tattoo went on. Maybe write "fuck or suck" on my pubic area with an arrow down my cock to the head. That way there are instructions and maybe the arrow could be put on soft.
By Leilani [Ignore] 13,Oct,18 21:38
Reminds me of the punchline of that joke where that guy has "AIDS" tattooed or written on his dick but when it gets hard, it says, "ADIDAS".

A girl meets a handsome guy and they go to a room to have sex.
He has a t-shirt on that says NIKE. He says he wears it all the time because the NIKE company pays him a thousand dollars to wear it to advertise for them.
He has on a pair of jogging pants that say REEBOK on one of the legs. He tells her the Reebok company pays him 2 thousand dollars to wear those pants and advertise for them.
He gets naked and she notices his dick says AIDS on it.
She thinks Uh oh, oh NO...but then he says, Don't worry. It'll say ADIDAS on it in a few minutes.
By nekekal [Ignore] 14,Oct,18 00:35
That's good. I had heard it before but forgot about it.
By Leilani [Ignore] 14,Oct,18 05:11
LOL and have you heard that Korn song?
A.D.I.D.A.S. stands for All Day Long I Dream About Sex
By Leilani [Ignore] 14,Oct,18 05:12
Wait wait no, scratch that, I should have said All Day I Dream About Sex.
By nekekal [Ignore] 14,Oct,18 16:21
No. I have not heard that.
By Leilani [Ignore] 24,Oct,18 20:51
By #545362 [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 16:07
ADIDAS....All Day I Dream About Sex.

By Louis [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 07:50
I've always wants to get one of Johnny Cash. He's been my favorite since I was fifteen years old. Maybe some day I will!
By Leilani [Ignore] 07,Oct,18 00:45
Oh? What your favorite song he performed?
By Louis [Ignore] 07,Oct,18 07:57
Folsom Prison Blues and Ghost Riders In the Sky to name a couple. There's many, a very long list.
By Leilani [Ignore] 13,Oct,18 21:28
Ooo yes Ghost Riders In The Sky!

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