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Cut or Uncut

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By gradurgaur [Ignore] 26,Nov,09 21:42   Pageviews: 25

A like to ask you my Dear friends.
Do you Thing my cock wil be better with my forskin ON or With OUT?

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By Newforeskin [Ignore] 31,Dec,12 07:56
Keep the foreskin. You would not be happy without it.

By #21213 [Ignore] 07,Jul,11 07:00
never cut it just to do it I have mine Im 64 and enjoy it so much keep yours nice one wish you could be here most are cut

By #44121 [Ignore] 26,Jan,10 11:59
Is natural, its the way your were born - why remove it. I am uncut also,so me be somewhat biased in that respect. I say keep it. Was in the US military and had duty at Keflavik.(Pardon me if I spelled incorrectly.)

By #32186 [Ignore] 06,Dec,09 18:02
I like foreskins, yours in particular, please leave it on!

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