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Friends with Benefits

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 01,Nov,18 08:11   Pageviews: 104

That's what i look for on sites like this one.

I thought the expression was well known and understood, but it seems some have different ideas about it.

To me it means. friends you can also have sex with along with other kinds of fun that have nothing to do with sex

To me that also implies having more friends like that.
You can both have other friends like that, even share the same friends like that

Reason why i post this is i had the remark why i was chatting to other guys, when i clearly said what i wanted and they said they were looking for the same thing!
No it wasn't on this site,it was a local one!

What do you think? Am i stretching the meaning friends with benefits to far?

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By #571187 [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 11:59
To me it’s just that. A friend where you do whatever with. Not Necessarily a close or inner circle friend but maybe all depends. You’re respectful of each other but there’s no pressure of being committed.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 12:14
Yeah right! That's my view of it too!

By onthelose [Ignore] 06,Nov,18 20:46
A considerable number of men are to shy or just not risk takers. I have had men talk about meeting and then just fall off of the face of the earth when I wanted to meet. Then I have had guys I only talked to once want to cum over and get a blow job, a cum dump no talk just cum and go. I also would like to have a male friend to do other things besides sex but it seems most of the men I know are homophobes or just to busy with their families and life to do anything else.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 01:29
I,ve put ads on sites saying that i'm looking for a sexbuddie and many react to them.
Like you i had no luck so far, no friend with benefits yet

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Nov,18 11:45
Your meaning is correct.

Did The other guys think it was a different thing?
By up-for-it [Ignore] 01,Nov,18 12:42
I thought so!

This hapened more than once, guys not wanting me to have other friends with benefits! I would call that a relationship, and even in a relationship you can have friends with benefits.

We didn't even meet in person, before they said that!

Some people!i just don't get them sometimes!

Thanks my friend!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Nov,18 21:05
You are welcome.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Nov,18 21:07
I am sorry I can only provide friendship without benefits. If I could, I would but I am not into men
By up-for-it [Ignore] 02,Nov,18 03:47
I know! You would be a good friend with benefits,i'm sure of that!A friend without benefits is just as good to me!

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