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By up-for-it [Ignore] 16,Nov,18 15:01   Pageviews: 58

Isn't it funny when you see someone is online and you send them a message, they go offline immediatly!

It can be coincidence, i know! But when it is they get back to you later! When they don't; you have given them a fright!

I'm starting to love that!

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By #510483 [Ignore] 16,Nov,18 22:59
It's funny, I can be browsing on here for an hour or two, but the second I go away or get distracted, boom message! I do try to reply to them all, but I bet a few walked away thinking I ignored them
By up-for-it [Ignore] 17,Nov,18 02:48
I know what you mean! Or when i have been browsing for some time and when i have to stop to do other things, people start messaging! They have really bad timing!

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