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Rude piece of shit.

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By j1_bennett [Ignore] 23,Nov,18 00:53   Pageviews: 92

I recently recieved a comment on my page saying that I am a rude piece of shit... To explain the situation, My page states that I am a straight man, interested in women. Plain and simple. A man messaged me with a very sexually aggressive manner. Now, if you have a compliment, feel free to leave it, but understand that it is a huge turn off for me, so i will not likely reply, or I may explain that im not interested in further conversation. This individual continued to message and harass me, stating that deep down i am actually gay and i wanted him. Now, this message is not against gay people. If you like my pics, awesome. if you dont, thats awesome too. I simply am NOT interested in men. So, if you insist on messaging me in a sexual manner, you will recieve a rude responce. and no, that does not make me a piece of shit. It just means that i am willing to stand up for myself. Thanks for understanding.

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By pifad [Ignore] 23,Nov,18 16:00
Sorry that happened to you. Some people are just plain rude.

By #562152 [Ignore] 23,Nov,18 07:46
It's sad people can't accept you as you are. Ignore or block him. Most of us are behind you.

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Nov,18 05:06
It is odd that there are members that are hell bent on wanting to "harrass" other members.

Don't let this rile you up, you know that you are not a "piece of shit". If you feel that you have given the member a respectful response and he continues to engage in unwanted contact then feel justified and blacklist him.

By Dev01 [Ignore] 23,Nov,18 04:15
Dude build a bridge and cross it. This is the internet and don't loose site of the site. Trolls are an internet add on. Don't take anything to heart here mate

By #551147 [Ignore] 23,Nov,18 02:20
Well said, and most certainly should be respected. 👍

Speaking as a Bi-sexual, If you sincerely had zero desire for another guy. I personally wouldn't even want to fool with you. It IS however nice to know, that your not so shallow, that a person could simply make a nice comment. Afterall... Who would want someone who's not interested in them.

Maybe consider an additional comment on your profile. Like... Sincerely Straight or I do mean I'm straight, something like that?

You probably hadn't noticed, but there are many that list straight, then talk about being fucked or desires to suck a cock. Can be quite confusing around here sometimes. Anyway, wasn't justifying that person's actions. More trying to give you a lil insight as to why he may have been confused. Hope your respected and continue to enjoy the site.


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