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By averageatbest23 [Ignore] 23,Dec,18 18:14   Pageviews: 255

I am new to this site and was not sure what to expect and so far I am finding out that there is a lot of fake people and people pretending to be people they are not! I was hoping to get a lot of honest opinions of my "Junk" and I have a hard time getting anyone to even visit my page let alone comment or message me! So just curious how a guy/couple gets to be noticed on this page?

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By Naturalfun [Ignore] 20,Apr,24 14:38
Communication is what makes sex fun--"aural sex." And it's not "junk" it is a handsome cock that needs no apologies!

By thebestJules [Ignore] 11,Jan,24 02:34
I like your dick, and I'd love to suck it

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 27,Jul,23 17:48
Yes unfortunately too many fake pix or stolen ones from other places. Just have fun looking at all the galleries you might like. If you talk with any folks ask for current private pix! Just have fun here!

By bibi1 [Ignore] 20,May,21 12:48
Yes, there are a ton of fakes. Most of the "women" here are men pretending. If they women do participate with their man they often lose interest because of abuse. But its no different than other similar sites.
As for your junk, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But I would see no reason why anyone wouldnt like it.

By averageatbest23 [Ignore] 24,Dec,18 10:08
Thanks guys! I was just wondering if that is the way it is! Maybe most people are just here to show there selves off and not communicate to much!
By up-for-it [Ignore] 01,Feb,19 22:11
Yes, some people will not communicate at all. Others will build a connection with you, be active here and some great people will respond!

By averageatbest23 [Ignore] 28,Dec,18 15:30
Thanks again for all your opinions I will take them all in and keep chugging along

By #551147 [Ignore] 28,Dec,18 15:10
So... Here's my opinion. Your listed as "straight", in which case, you just lost 99% of the membership (declared when you signed up). To find that 1% you need to put yourself out there as much as you can. Blog entries, comments on forum posts, comments on others pictures, visit the "groups" that you like and comment, participate in some of the games, contest around here, place your pics up in the banner, etc. Just to name a few. Getting attention, is NOT easy with so many on the site. Lastly... The spot on your profile where it gives you the opportunity to put more SPECIFICALLY what you are looking for. Try that! Good Luck, and welcome!

By #537131 [Ignore] 25,Dec,18 09:06
I agree with up-for-it, be patient and continue posting ur hot pics. U R lucky that your wife plays with you and allows u to post pics with her in them. My wife and I haven't done more than hug, kiss and cuddle for a long time (long story - health issues and more). That's why I joined here, to share my kinkiness and 'perversions' with others. Thanks to the SYD/SYC crew for a great place to meet up and share!

By #535695 [Ignore] 24,Dec,18 08:59
Tell us your story, your experiences and your desires in a few blogs.

By up-for-it [Ignore] 24,Dec,18 08:56
Give it a little time, post pics and blog entries, comment on others, soon you will get noticed!

I just did!
By up-for-it [Ignore] 24,Dec,18 08:58
Not everyone is active here everyday, sometimes it takes a while before they see your comment and react

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