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Love this site! But...

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By 1matguy [Ignore] 27,Dec,18 13:59   Pageviews: 331

There are so many hot and sexy people and pics here. My only complaint, so far, and I am relatively new here, is that everyone is always so very far away. How about you? Have you found that to be true? Looking for a special sex partner is tough when someone who is so damned hot is always so far away!

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By CreativeOne [Ignore] 31,Oct,21 12:04
I love this site toooooooooooo. You are so right about everyone that we could have Fun with... Lives so far away and the ones that do in fact live close by... They won't even give us the time of day. So I know exactly what you mean on this topic.

By #649124 [Ignore] 30,Aug,21 00:06
If you ever traveled my way, I'd be happy to entertain you.

By #252724 [Ignore] 07,Jun,21 12:38
I've looked for years and not one hookup

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Dec,18 23:21
Have you looked to see which members might be nearby and looked at their profile and possibly reached out to them?
By 1matguy [Ignore] 27,Dec,18 23:33
Hi. Yes, I've reached out to a few, but no luck so far. No replies as of yet. Not giving up though, I've only been here for a couple weeks. But thanks for your insight!
By #534507 [Ignore] 11,Mar,20 17:01
Well the problem I have is no follow through. I've been wanting to meet someone to play with here. No one responds and if by chance they do it's a tease!

By #552950 [Ignore] 23,Dec,19 22:50
I'm in Australia, all that beautiful cock and all I can do is masturbate myself constantly

By #252724 [Ignore] 12,Dec,19 15:22
Seems like it's the story of my life too

By PoloFields [Ignore] 09,Nov,19 23:06
Yep. So many people, so far away.
By 1matguy [Ignore] 09,Nov,19 23:12
That's the truth!

By #570308 [Ignore] 27,Apr,19 11:49
You're not alone. I've found that the friendliest ones with the nicest cocks are too far. The ones who are close enough are fly-bys. They either don't show, make excuses or some other bullshit. Most are married and can't host, and if you mention ABSs, they're either nervous, scared or something. I find that going to the ABSs where I live is about the only play I can get, but it's a one shot, no FWB thing.

By nakedjim [Ignore] 27,Mar,19 23:26
Surely distance is the problem with all such site. I have found a few Fuck Buddy's to play with over the years.

By #565818 [Ignore] 06,Jan,19 05:48
im in maine. closest city to list is Boston. I've pm'd everyone who isn't totally straight. found one other member to play with (so far
). I go to his area and I suck him off In my car. done that twice

By #532695 [Ignore] 01,Jan,19 23:04
My situation means I'm not looking to hook up, but there are a couple of people I'd be interested in. One a thousand miles away, but one of them lives nearby. I am tempted.

By steve3095 [Ignore] 28,Dec,18 17:38
That's dead right. I've met so many great people in the USA, Britain, Europe. Problem is is I'm in Australia.

By #551147 [Ignore] 28,Dec,18 13:37
Same! All that I find that I like in many ways... Hundreds and or thousands of miles away. It's maddening!

By #535695 [Ignore] 28,Dec,18 06:52
I use Doublelist for meet ups.

By up-for-it [Ignore] 28,Dec,18 05:36
Same problem here,i always contact the ones i find, but no meetups so far

Having some great chats with people that live far away, and that is what i concentrate on here and enjoy!

But i do think a lot of times after a good chat,why do we live so far away?

By onthelose [Ignore] 27,Dec,18 15:45
That has been my experience so far also. I have chatted with some locals on here but we didn't click.

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