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In a Perfect World

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 23,Feb,19 03:57   Pageviews: 64

We meet people that perfectly match what we want and need. They are atractive to us,fun,good conversations and sexually both get satisfied in every way.

The real world is different and we can only get close to perfection,many never get even near to that

Why do i say this?

Had some good chats with guys and we seem to be a good match with eachother. One of them called me on the phone to arrange a meetup we decided to go for a drink and a chat
Then he said our chats were making him really horny and wanted to come to my house. I already said i never did that before i meet a guy first so i said let's go for that drink first and see what happens.

He never replied back to any of my messages.

This kind of thing often happens, you say no to one thing and they disappear

I guess they have only pefect people in their lives and i don't fit in their world

I kinda like the imperfect people around me,they are the ones that pleasantly surprise me!

Have great imperfect fun people!

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By onthelose [Ignore] 24,Feb,19 17:14
The phrase , talk is cheap, is the operative phrase. Once you get down to actually doing the things you have been talking about, all the self doubt and insecurities come out. That's normal for most people. Some just bull their way through it but the rest of us would rather not put ourselves through the stress of a meet. The bath house was the most comfortable environment for me. I could pick and chose those that I was attracted to and proceed or not, no pressure.

By t-rex [Ignore] 23,Feb,19 06:21

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