I have been searching for a sexbuddy for a while now.
But there seems to be confusion about the meaning of that word, i always make it clear that is what i want.But often i hear they don't want to see or talk to any other men, and i am the only perfect man for them!
And however flattering that is, that is not what i am looking for! Yeah i know sounds crazy to refuse that, but hey i am crazy! SO!
Crazy as i am, i have been searching for guys who fit my defenition of a sexbuddy and placing ads in local sites to find who would fit the bill
If you read my previous blog you know i am curious about bondage/SM and i met a guy who was willing to help me satisfy my curiosity
Turns out he is so much more, a real sexbuddy!
Openminded,willing to just talk, have a drink, have sex, push my limits further than i ever thought
And most important, no pressure, no strings attached!
Just exploring the things we fantasize about!
It took some time, but it sure feels good!
I am chatting with some other guys, who are promising, hoping to find more sexbuddies among them!
So whatever you are looking for, keep looking, keep trying! That person is out there and even closer than you think! |
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