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What kind of sex do you like?

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By Jakestheman [Ignore] 20,May,19 11:43   Pageviews: 49

There is all kinds of sex.

Dirty, hard, sweaty, nasty sex
Sweet, loving, slow, easy sex

And everything in between.

What kind of sex do YOU like?

I'm thinking for MOST of us at least, it depends. I know I like it all, depending upon my 'mood'.

Sometimes I'm just itching for some really down and dirty, nasty, sweaty, hard-core SEX! Screw the romance, screw the foreplay, suck my dick, I'm going to EAT your pussy raw and pound my cock into you like a freakin pile-driver baby!!

Other times I DO like taking my time and TRULY pampering my lover. Leaving not one inch of her body neglected. Making sure I've met every need and want she has fulfilled to the nth degree and then some... This type of sex can take HOURS if not days LOL

Of course there's always middle ground between the two and often we'll start off nice and sweet and slow but then it will turn INTO hot, sweaty, animal sex!!

So my question is this, how do YOU like it??? Hot and heavy or sweet and light?


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By onthelose [Ignore] 21,May,19 18:23
Well at this particular time I would just like to have sex of any kind.
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 22,May,19 06:32
Ah well, there IS that..... it's a doggone shame we live so far apart! I'd be MORE than happy to 'curl' your toes for ya. That's a damn fine looking dick ya got there....

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