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Frozen treat...

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By coyote7666 [Ignore] 08,Jun,19 11:19   Pageviews: 359

I am not sure if anyone has ever tried this but I have and loved it.."freezen your cum"...I cum on a piece of Saran wrap and place it in the freezer till the cum has frozen...then peel it off when frozen and eat it.........WOW what a treat..Would love to hear if anyone else has done this....

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By duece [Ignore] 03,Nov,24 21:35
Oh yes! Fill a half gram vial,freeze it then warm it in your mouth to roll out a treat!

By cfan2 [Ignore] 22,Aug,24 10:48
The perfect treat for when you just need a quick snack and there's no cock around!!!!!!!
By coyote7666 [Ignore] 24,Aug,24 02:51
yes that for sure...

By dura2000 [Ignore] 22,Feb,24 16:10
I’ve cum in a shot glass until it is full freezing it in between wank and when it’s full I let it defrost in my mouth.
By coyote7666 [Ignore] 23,Feb,24 02:45
Thats the best way..

By luvmyboner [Ignore] 11,Jun,19 00:28
I done the same thing. The only way I can eat it.
By coyote7666 [Ignore] 11,Jun,19 03:49
I love it frozen...
By jackstar [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 13:41
Yeah I love it too is hard to not just slurp is down before I can get it to the freezer

By cfan2 [Ignore] 24,May,23 13:16
Definitely, but I have always used a mini-ice cube tray. Perfect for snack time!!

By cumonme1 [Ignore] 21,Feb,23 09:18
I have done it with several loads of cum.

By #668890 [Ignore] 05,Oct,22 17:22
tried it at your suggestion: LOVED IT!

By #535695 [Ignore] 09,Jun,19 02:02
I have frozen mine then next time I was horny I would suck on it while I watched gay porn and jacked off.
By coyote7666 [Ignore] 10,Jun,19 03:55
VERY nice....
By #653318 [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 17:28
That sounds so good.

By #653318 [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 17:27
I have considered doing this but never got round to it. So nice to hear you enjoyed it. Makes me want to try it now. Also, i would love to have your iced cum in mymouth

By cfan2 [Ignore] 06,Jun,22 12:32
I have! But into an mini-ice cube tray. Delicious, and so convenient!!

By #668890 [Ignore] 26,May,22 11:36
I'll have to try that sometime...

By corona [Ignore] 17,May,21 10:00
Wow sounds awesome I'll definitely have to give it a try😋

By pifad [Ignore] 26,Jan,21 10:10
I usually eat it warm however based on your recommendation I froze it last week and let me tell you, it was quite a treat. Gonna be doing that more often for sure

By #590421 [Ignore] 08,Sep,20 07:34
I used to jack off into the little container that rolls of film came in and put it in the freezer. Next time I jacked off into the same container. When it was full and completely frozen I would have a nice ice cum snack.

By jackstar [Ignore] 29,May,20 06:31
I love that too!!

By #488870 [Ignore] 20,Nov,19 06:05
I love those delicious frozen treats too!!

By 2pierced [Ignore] 07,Nov,19 04:48
I eat my own cum nearly everyday , but I'll have to try this. Sounds delicious to slowly let it melt in your mouth!
By coyote7666 [Ignore] 07,Nov,19 05:04
It is awesome... feeling it melt in your mouth....

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