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By up-for-it [Ignore] 13,Jun,19 16:17   Pageviews: 101

I am 53, older!

What do i like about younger guys?

The obvious; a young tight sexy body!

I also like the enthousiasm of a younger guy, the way he looks at the world,different from when i was young.

I love how i can teach him things i learned trough experience, but also love how he can teach me how the modern world works, apps, IPhone, reality tv and all that.

But most of all it's the feeling of friendship and there is no age to that is there?

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By #334358 [Ignore] 26,Jun,19 02:28
I love older guys who get really turnd on and wanna fuck and suck me!!
By up-for-it [Ignore] 26,Jun,19 05:19
It is a different experience with the age difference, i love it too.

By #523015 [Ignore] 16,Jun,19 17:52
I am in complete agreement with you on all accounts. I am one of those enthusiastic very eager to Young men who is overwhelmed with excitement at the prospect of being able to please a older more experienced man who will take care to show me how to please you
By up-for-it [Ignore] 17,Jun,19 02:27
Most older men will also show you how you can have more enjoyment,it works both ways in most cases.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 13,Jun,19 18:22
I like today's younger generation of guys because most of them have a big cock.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 13,Jun,19 18:41
That's a plus alright!
By #523015 [Ignore] 16,Jun,19 17:53
Not all of us are well hung but what I may lack in size I make up for in passion
By up-for-it [Ignore] 17,Jun,19 02:24
I will take a passionate guy over a well hung guy anytime!

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