Yep, we've got tomatoes! I've only got four plants out this year but they're growing like weeds and they've already set a number of 'fruits' which really shouldn't surprise me, given ALL the freakin rain we've had...
It's always a 'special' moment as a gardener when you see your hard work come to fruition isn't it?
I can't WAIT for them to grow full, red and ripen... THEN it's time to pluck em and EAT them.. There is NOTHING like a homegrown tomato, fresh off the vine, virtually still warm from the sun with just a bit of salt....
That is some GOOD summertime eating right there my friends...
Back when I had my house I had a HUGE garden and I used to grow all KINDS of veggies. Tomatoes by the bushel, cucumbers, 2 or 3 different kinds of peppers, green beans, zucchinis, various other squash, onions... you name it, over 20+ years I've grown it... LOL
Sweet corn was good but it was a major waste of space. You only get two ears per plant and it takes almost all summer to grow/mature... Put in a row, wait all summer and you have enough corn for like 1 maybe 2 meals... It just wasn't worth the effort especially when I could drive around the corner to a roadside stand and BUY really good, Indiana sweet corn lol
I used to have a totally separate herb garden where I grew 2-3 different kinds of Basil and Thyme. Chives, Tarragon (I LOVE a good Bearnaise sauce) and who knew that both Chives and Tarragon over-winter in Indiana? I'd also grow Parsley and whatever herbs struck my fancy at any given time like Rosemary, oregano, sage etc.... I kept it pretty full of a wide range of herbs and you'd find me out there all the time clipping those herbs for cooking and grilling. Mmmm I loved using those rosemary stalks for skewers when making my lamb kabobs.. YUMMM!
I also grew my own garlic which is really easy once you get the 'technique' down.... And fresh garlic is just SO much better than store bought...
Now that I sold my house and Mona and I have moved into a Townhouse, we just do NOT have the space to put in a 'real' garden. I did have JUST enough room to plant four tomato plants though...
I 'put' Mona to work tilling up the so-called soil.. Hey, she volunteered! I handed her the shovel and my 'secret' tool that I've used for DECADES and got her going...
G-d LOVE her... She did an AWESOME job! I got some peat moss and good garden soil and she tilled all of that into the CLAY we had and then I had her go over everything a few more times...
Unfortunately, right in the middle of all that, we got hit by a MAJOR 'gully washer' type rain.. We covered the 'garden' with a plastic tarp to keep it dry and that worked so after ALL that rain, we uncovered it, tilled it up some MORE and then finally, I was able to get in there and plant them 'maters!! YEAH!
We where about a week late in getting them into the ground but that's OK. They seem to have MORE than made up for it...
Here's an OLD TIMER tip for any of you tomato growers out there... It's obviously too late for it THIS year, but try it next year... I learned this from an OLD farmer and it WORKS!
When you plant your tomatoes, take a raw EGG, put it in the bottom of the hole, break it up just a little bit, then place your tomato plant directly on top of it and plant it as normal.
The EGG and especially the shell will give you tomatoes an extra boost in calcium and other minerals and the difference is astounding and VERY noticeable..
I did a 'test' a number of years ago, planting half my tomatoes without an egg and half with. The half I planted with the egg grew faster, bigger, stronger and set MORE fruit then those without the egg.
I was SOLD and I've put an egg in ever since!!
Happy gardening!! |
I also have several types of sweet peppers. They have set peppers. And some lettuce growing all over the place.
Unfortunately, where I'm at now, all we had to work with was a patch of some SERIOUS clay... But I ammended it with a BUNCH of sphagnum peat and some store bought garden type soil and it seems to be doing well...
I DO miss my old garden. I had 20+ years of compost in that garden... It was well over 2' deep of nothing but PURE composted loam. I had earthworms the size of snakes in there and literally more earthworms per square foot then just about any place on earth LOL...
I had 20+ fully mature trees on my property and every fall, I'd chop up the leaves with my mower and dump em all into the garden. I've have a pile 5-6' deep by the end of fall. That pile would compost down by April or the beginning of May and then, I had a neighbor who had a big, commercial sized rear tine tiller. He'd come around and till all of our gardens for us... It was a sweet deal...
All those composted leaves would be gone by then, mixed in and I'd be ready to plant by the 1st or 2nd week of May.... Right on time
Where there is water, we can grow fruit. Like apples, cherries, etc.
The ground is filled with rodents. For my garden areas, I built raised beds with the bottem lined with 1/2 inch wire mesh. The greenhouse produces tomatoes.
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