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Penis-Slits** Pee Hole

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By small63 [Ignore] 09,Jul,19 19:48   Pageviews: 102

I have I this thing, possibly a fetish for "Penis Slits-Pee Hole Opening. I enjoy looking and comparing different Penis Slits. Obviously we are all different, some slits can be very small with a tight opening, when others are long in length with a large opening. Penis Slit stretching is a common method to enlarge the opening to a nice seductive size. Caressing along the length of a Pre-Cum Penis Slit opening can be most Erotic for both the giver and the receiver and also if the tip of a finger is gently inserted so as to open up the Slit. Anyway I am most curious to know if I am not the only one out there who has a "Thing" for "Penis Slit Openings". What are your thoughts about the subject. Comments are most welcome. Thanks **Can always check out the Group, "Penis Slits-Pee hole"**

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By small63 [Ignore] 30,Mar,21 21:47
asiandude.. Thanks for your comment, Very interesting indeed.

By asiandude [Ignore] 28,Mar,21 15:28
I don't really have a thing for penis slits other than to say my slit is quite naturally large for my size. It's more of a hindrance - hairs getting stuck inside, the opening rubbing against my underwear (I'm cut), both very painful not to mention also having a pretty thick, gushing type piss stream. But it is the best attribute of my penis, and am proud of it so I flaunt it - It's liked by many.

By small63 [Ignore] 26,Jan,20 16:22
In relation to the "Penis Slits-Pee Hole" Group,[Check it out] has anyone be curious to know how big their actual penis slit opening length is.? EG. Measure from the back to the front of the Slit. Would be most interesting to get some feedback in regards to this subject. Maybe you have the interest-curiosity to measure your Penis Slit and even post up a pic, plus your Slit measurement.

By randy_candy [Ignore] 12,Jul,19 00:03
When giving BJ's I like to push the tip of my tongue into his piss slit as much as I can. It's not very far, but I like doing it. Never had a guy complain!

Of course my favorite thing about piss slits is that they are the nozzle that squirts fresh hot cum onto my tongue or deep into my ass!
By small63 [Ignore] 12,Jul,19 23:10
Thanks for your comments. I just love having the tip of a tongue pushing down into my penis slit.. So enjoyable having the slit forced wide open with the tongue.. I have a wide opening, hence the tongue tip can easily penetrate deeply and stretch my piss/cum slit wide open..

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